# General Development Tools
This section lists useful additional development tools that are not part of the core PX4 build toolchain.
# Ground Control Software
Download and install the QGroundControl Daily Build (opens new window).
The daily build includes development tools that hidden in release builds. It may also provide access to new PX4 features that are not yet supported in release builds.
# IDE / Code Editors
The development team recommend Visual Studio Code (VSCode), a popular open source IDE. VSCode is the "officially supported" IDE, primarily because it is the easiest of the IDEs to set up and use with PX4.
The following IDEs also work (but are not recommended unless you're an expert):
- Eclipse for C/C++ (opens new window): Feature rich Java based IDE
- Sublime Text (opens new window): Fast and lean text editor.
- Qt Creator IDE: Popular cross-platform open-source IDE.
There is an Eclipse project (opens new window) and a Sublime project (opens new window) in the source tree.