# Modules Reference: Command

# actuator_test

Source: systemcmds/actuator_test (opens new window)

Utility to test actuators.

WARNING: remove all props before using this command.

# Usage

actuator_test <command> [arguments...]
   set           Set an actuator to a specific output value

 The actuator can be specified by motor, servo or function directly:
     [-m <val>]  Motor to test (1...8)
     [-s <val>]  Servo to test (1...8)
     [-f <val>]  Specify function directly
     -v <val>    value (-1...1)
     [-t <val>]  Timeout in seconds (run interactive if not set)
                 default: 0

   iterate-motors Iterate all motors starting and stopping one after the other

   iterate-servos Iterate all servos deflecting one after the other

# bl_update

Source: systemcmds/bl_update (opens new window)

Utility to flash the bootloader from a file

# Usage

bl_update [arguments...]
   setopt        Set option bits to unlock the FLASH (only needed if in locked

   <file>        Bootloader bin file

# bsondump

Source: systemcmds/bsondump (opens new window)

read BSON from a file and print in human form

# Usage

bsondump [arguments...]
     <file>      File name

# dumpfile

Source: systemcmds/dumpfile (opens new window)

Dump file utility. Prints file size and contents in binary mode (don't replace LF with CR LF) to stdout.

# Usage

dumpfile [arguments...]
     <file>      File to dump

# dyn

Source: systemcmds/dyn (opens new window)

# Description

Load and run a dynamic PX4 module, which was not compiled into the PX4 binary.

# Example

dyn ./hello.px4mod start

# Usage

dyn [arguments...]
     <file>      File containing the module
     [arguments...] Arguments to the module

# failure

Source: systemcmds/failure (opens new window)

# Description

Inject failures into system.

# Implementation

This system command sends a vehicle command over uORB to trigger failure.

# Examples

Test the GPS failsafe by stopping GPS:

failure gps off

# Usage

failure [arguments...]
   help          Show this help text

   gps|...       Specify component

   ok|off|...    Specify failure type
     [-i <val>]  sensor instance (0=all)
                 default: 0

# gpio

Source: systemcmds/gpio (opens new window)

# Description

This command is used to read and write GPIOs

gpio read <PORT><PIN>/<DEVICE> [PULLDOWN|PULLUP] [--force]
gpio write <PORT><PIN>/<DEVICE> <VALUE> [PUSHPULL|OPENDRAIN] [--force]

# Examples

Read the value on port H pin 4 configured as pullup, and it is high

gpio read H4 PULLUP

1 OK

Set the output value on Port E pin 7 to high

gpio write E7 1 --force

Set the output value on device /dev/gpin1 to high

gpio write /dev/gpin1 1

# Usage

gpio [arguments...]
     <PORT><PIN>/<DEVICE> GPIO port and pin or device
     [PULLDOWN|PULLUP] Pulldown/Pullup
     [--force]   Force (ignore board gpio list)

     <PORT> <PIN> GPIO port and pin
     <VALUE>     Value to write
     [PUSHPULL|OPENDRAIN] Pushpull/Opendrain
     [--force]   Force (ignore board gpio list)

# hardfault_log

Source: systemcmds/hardfault_log (opens new window)

Hardfault utility

Used in startup scripts to handle hardfaults

# Usage

hardfault_log <command> [arguments...]
   check         Check if there's an uncommitted hardfault

   rearm         Drop an uncommitted hardfault

   fault         Generate a hardfault (this command crashes the system :)
     [0|1]       Hardfault type: 0=divide by 0, 1=Assertion (default=0)

   commit        Write uncommitted hardfault to /fs/microsd/fault_%i.txt (and
                 rearm, but don't reset)

   count         Read the reboot counter, counts the number of reboots of an
                 uncommitted hardfault (returned as the exit code of the

   reset         Reset the reboot counter

# hist

Source: systemcmds/hist (opens new window)

Command-line tool to show the px4 message history. There are no arguments.

# Usage

hist [arguments...]

# i2cdetect

Source: systemcmds/i2cdetect (opens new window)

Utility to scan for I2C devices on a particular bus.

# Usage

i2cdetect [arguments...]
     [-b <val>]  I2C bus
                 default: 1

# led_control

Source: systemcmds/led_control (opens new window)

# Description

Command-line tool to control & test the (external) LED's.

To use it make sure there's a driver running, which handles the led_control uorb topic.

There are different priorities, such that for example one module can set a color with low priority, and another module can blink N times with high priority, and the LED's automatically return to the lower priority state after the blinking. The reset command can also be used to return to a lower priority.

# Examples

Blink the first LED 5 times in blue:

led_control blink -c blue -l 0 -n 5

# Usage

led_control <command> [arguments...]
   test          Run a test pattern

   on            Turn LED on

   off           Turn LED off

   reset         Reset LED priority

   blink         Blink LED N times
     [-n <val>]  Number of blinks
                 default: 3
     [-s <val>]  Set blinking speed
                 values: fast|normal|slow, default: normal

   breathe       Continuously fade LED in & out

   flash         Two fast blinks and then off with frequency of 1Hz

 The following arguments apply to all of the above commands except for 'test':
     [-c <val>]  color
                 values: red|blue|green|yellow|purple|amber|cyan|white, default:
     [-l <val>]  Which LED to control: 0, 1, 2, ... (default=all)
     [-p <val>]  Priority
                 default: 2

# listener

Source: systemcmds/topic_listener (opens new window)

Utility to listen on uORB topics and print the data to the console.

The listener can be exited any time by pressing Ctrl+C, Esc, or Q.

# Usage

listener <command> [arguments...]
     <topic_name> uORB topic name
     [-i <val>]  Topic instance
                 default: 0
     [-n <val>]  Number of messages
                 default: 1
     [-r <val>]  Subscription rate (unlimited if 0)
                 default: 0

# mfd

Source: systemcmds/mft (opens new window)

Utility interact with the manifest

# Usage

mfd <command> [arguments...]
   query         Returns true if not existed

# mtd

Source: systemcmds/mtd (opens new window)

Utility to mount and test partitions (based on FRAM/EEPROM storage as defined by the board)

# Usage

mtd <command> [arguments...]
   status        Print status information

   readtest      Perform read test

   rwtest        Perform read-write test

   erase         Erase partition(s)

 The commands 'readtest' and 'rwtest' have an optional instance index:
     [-i <val>]  storage index (if the board has multiple storages)
                 default: 0

 The commands 'readtest', 'rwtest' and 'erase' have an optional parameter:
     [<partition_name1> [<partition_name2> ...]] Partition names (eg.
                 /fs/mtd_params), use system default if not provided

# nshterm

Source: systemcmds/nshterm (opens new window)

Start an NSH shell on a given port.

This was previously used to start a shell on the USB serial port. Now there runs mavlink, and it is possible to use a shell over mavlink.

# Usage

nshterm [arguments...]
     <file:dev>  Device on which to start the shell (eg. /dev/ttyACM0)

# param

Source: systemcmds/param (opens new window)

# Description

Command to access and manipulate parameters via shell or script.

This is used for example in the startup script to set airframe-specific parameters.

Parameters are automatically saved when changed, eg. with param set. They are typically stored to FRAM or to the SD card. param select can be used to change the storage location for subsequent saves (this will need to be (re-)configured on every boot).

If the FLASH-based backend is enabled (which is done at compile time, e.g. for the Intel Aero or Omnibus), param select has no effect and the default is always the FLASH backend. However param save/load <file> can still be used to write to/read from files.

Each parameter has a 'used' flag, which is set when it's read during boot. It is used to only show relevant parameters to a ground control station.

# Examples

Change the airframe and make sure the airframe's default parameters are loaded:

param set SYS_AUTOSTART 4001
param set SYS_AUTOCONFIG 1

# Usage

param <command> [arguments...]
   load          Load params from a file (overwrite all)
     [<file>]    File name (use default if not given)

   import        Import params from a file
     [<file>]    File name (use default if not given)

   save          Save params to a file
     [<file>]    File name (use default if not given)

   select        Select default file
     [<file>]    File name

   select-backup Select default file
     [<file>]    File name

   show          Show parameter values
     [-a]        Show all parameters (not just used)
     [-c]        Show only changed params (unused too)
     [-q]        quiet mode, print only param value (name needs to be exact)
     [<filter>]  Filter by param name (wildcard at end allowed, eg. sys_*)

   show-for-airframe Show changed params for airframe config

   status        Print status of parameter system

   set           Set parameter to a value
     <param_name> <value> Parameter name and value to set
     [fail]      If provided, let the command fail if param is not found

   set-default   Set parameter default to a value
     [-s]        If provided, silent errors if parameter doesn't exists
     <param_name> <value> Parameter name and value to set
     [fail]      If provided, let the command fail if param is not found

   compare       Compare a param with a value. Command will succeed if equal
     [-s]        If provided, silent errors if parameter doesn't exists
     <param_name> <value> Parameter name and value to compare

   greater       Compare a param with a value. Command will succeed if param is
                 greater than the value
     [-s]        If provided, silent errors if parameter doesn't exists
     <param_name> <value> Parameter name and value to compare
     <param_name> <value> Parameter name and value to compare

   touch         Mark a parameter as used
     [<param_name1> [<param_name2>]] Parameter name (one or more)

   reset         Reset only specified params to default
     [<param1> [<param2>]] Parameter names to reset (wildcard at end allowed)

   reset_all     Reset all params to default
     [<exclude1> [<exclude2>]] Do not reset matching params (wildcard at end

   index         Show param for a given index
     <index>     Index: an integer >= 0

   index_used    Show used param for a given index
     <index>     Index: an integer >= 0

   find          Show index of a param
     <param>     param name

# payload_deliverer

Source: modules/payload_deliverer (opens new window)

# Description

Handles payload delivery with either Gripper or a Winch with an appropriate timeout / feedback sensor setting, and communicates back the delivery result as an acknowledgement internally

# Usage

payload_deliverer <command> [arguments...]

   gripper_test  Tests the Gripper's release & grabbing sequence

   gripper_open  Opens the gripper

   gripper_close Closes the gripper


   status        print status info

# perf

Source: systemcmds/perf (opens new window)

Tool to print performance counters

# Usage

perf [arguments...]
   reset         Reset all counters

   latency       Print HRT timer latency histogram

 Prints all performance counters if no arguments given

# reboot

Source: systemcmds/reboot (opens new window)

Reboot the system

# Usage

reboot [arguments...]
     [-b]        Reboot into bootloader
     [lock|unlock] Take/release the shutdown lock (for testing)

# sd_bench

Source: systemcmds/sd_bench (opens new window)

Test the speed of an SD Card

# Usage

sd_bench [arguments...]
     [-b <val>]  Block size for each read/write
                 default: 4096
     [-r <val>]  Number of runs
                 default: 5
     [-d <val>]  Duration of a run in ms
                 default: 2000
     [-k]        Keep the test file
     [-s]        Call fsync after each block (default=at end of each run)
     [-u]        Test performance with unaligned data
     [-v]        Verify data and block number

# sd_stress

Source: systemcmds/sd_stress (opens new window)

Test operations on an SD Card

# Usage

sd_stress [arguments...]
     [-r <val>]  Number of runs
                 default: 5
     [-b <val>]  Number of bytes
                 default: 100

# serial_passthru

Source: systemcmds/serial_passthru (opens new window)

Pass data from one device to another.

This can be used to use u-center connected to USB with a GPS on a serial port.

# Usage

serial_passthru [arguments...]
     -e <val>    External device path
                 values: <file:dev>
     -d <val>    Internal device path
                 values: <file:dev>
     [-b <val>]  Baudrate
                 default: 115200
     [-t]        Track the External devices baudrate on internal device

# system_time

Source: systemcmds/system_time (opens new window)

# Description

Command-line tool to set and get system time.

# Examples

Set the system time and read it back

system_time set 1600775044
system_time get

# Usage

system_time <command> [arguments...]
   set           Set the system time, provide time in unix epoch time format

   get           Get the system time

# top

Source: systemcmds/top (opens new window)

Monitor running processes and their CPU, stack usage, priority and state

# Usage

top [arguments...]
   once          print load only once

# usb_connected

Source: systemcmds/usb_connected (opens new window)

Utility to check if USB is connected. Was previously used in startup scripts. A return value of 0 means USB is connected, 1 otherwise.

# Usage

usb_connected [arguments...]

# ver

Source: systemcmds/ver (opens new window)

Tool to print various version information

# Usage

ver <command> [arguments...]
   hw            Hardware architecture

   mcu           MCU info

   git           git version information

   bdate         Build date and time

   gcc           Compiler info

   bdate         Build date and time

   px4guid       PX4 GUID

   uri           Build URI

   all           Print all versions

   hwcmp         Compare hardware version (returns 0 on match)
     <hw> [<hw2>] Hardware to compare against (eg. PX4_FMU_V4). An OR comparison
                 is used if multiple are specified

   hwtypecmp     Compare hardware type (returns 0 on match)
     <hwtype> [<hwtype2>] Hardware type to compare against (eg. V2). An OR
                 comparison is used if multiple are specified