# Mac 上的开发环境

MacOS 是受支持的 PX4 开发平台。 根据本文的指示构建的开发环境可以用编译:


This setup is supported by the PX4 dev team. To build other targets you will need to use a different OS (or an unsupported development environment).

# Homebrew 安装

# Base Setup

The "base" macOS setup installs the tools needed for building firmware, and includes the common tools that will be needed for installing/using the simulators.

# Environment Setup


Apple M1 Macbook users! If you have an Apple M1 Macbook, make sure to run the terminal as x86 by setting up an x86 terminal:

  1. Locate the Terminal application within the Utilities folder (Finder > Go menu > Utilities)
  2. Select Terminal.app and right-click on it, then choose Duplicate.
  3. Rename the duplicated Terminal app, e.g. to x86 Terminal
  4. Now select the renamed x86 Terminal app and right-click and choose *Get Info
  5. Check the box for Open using Rosetta, then close the window
  6. Run the x86 Terminal as usual, which will fully support the current PX4 toolchain

First set up the environment

  1. Enable more open files by appending the following line to the ~/.zshenv file (creating it if necessary):

    echo ulimit -S -n 2048 >> ~/.zshenv


If you don't do this, the build toolchain may report the error: "LD: too many open files"

  1. Enforce Python 3 by appending the following lines to ~/.zshenv

    # Point pip3 to MacOS system python 3 pip
    alias pip3=/usr/bin/pip3

# Common Tools

To setup the environment to be able to build for Pixhawk/NuttX hardware (and install the common tools for using simulators):

  1. Install Homebrew by following these installation instructions (opens new window).

  2. Run these commands in your shell to install the common tools:

    brew tap PX4/px4
    brew install px4-dev
  3. Install the required Python packages:

    # install required packages using pip3
    python3 -m pip install --user pyserial empty toml numpy pandas jinja2 pyyaml pyros-genmsg packaging kconfiglib future jsonschema
    # if this fails with a permissions error, your Python install is in a system path - use this command instead:
    sudo -H python3 -m pip install --user pyserial empty toml numpy pandas jinja2 pyyaml pyros-genmsg packaging kconfiglib future jsonschema

# Gazebo Classic Simulation

To setup the environment for Gazebo Classic simulation:

  1. Run the following commands in your shell:

    brew unlink tbb
    sed -i.bak '/disable! date:/s/^/  /; /disable! date:/s/./#/3' $(brew --prefix)/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core/Formula/tbb@2020.rb
    brew install tbb@2020
    brew link tbb@2020


September 2021: The commands above are a workaround to this bug: PX4-Autopilot#17644 (opens new window). They can be removed once it is fixed (along with this note).

  1. To install SITL simulation with Gazebo Classic:

    brew install --cask temurin
    brew install --cask xquartz
    brew install px4-sim-gazebo
  2. Run the macOS setup script: PX4-Autopilot/Tools/setup/macos.sh The easiest way to do this is to clone the PX4 source, and then run the script from the directory, as shown:

    git clone https://github.com/PX4/PX4-Autopilot.git --recursive
    cd PX4-Autopilot/Tools/setup
    sh macos.sh

# 额外工具

To setup the environment for jMAVSim simulation:

  1. Install a recent version of Java (e.g. Java 15). You can download Java 15 (or later) from Oracle (opens new window) or use Eclipse Temurin (opens new window):

    brew install --cask temurin
  2. Install jMAVSim:

    brew install px4-sim-jmavsim

    PX4 v1.11 and beyond require at least JDK 15 for jMAVSim simulation.

    For earlier versions, macOS users might see the error Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError:. You can find the fix in the jMAVSim with SITL > Troubleshooting).


# 后续步骤

Once you have finished setting up the command-line toolchain:


The daily build includes development tools that are hidden in release builds. It may also provide access to new PX4 features that are not yet supported in release builds.