# Weekly Dev Call

This page may be out of date


The latest version can be found here.

The PX4 dev team syncs up on platform technical details and in-depth analysis. There is also space in the agenda to discuss pull requests, major impacting issues and Q&A.

# Who should attend:

  • Core project maintainers
  • Component maintainers
  • Test team lead
  • Dronecode members
  • Community members


The dev call is open to all interested developers (not just the core dev team). This is a great opportunity to meet the team and contribute to the ongoing development of the platform.

# What gets discussed?

The first/main part of the meeting runs for 45 minutes and provides a high-level forum to discuss where the project is going.

This is where we discuss contributions, including issues/PRs that have the dev call (opens new window) label. We expect the proposer and the assigned reviewer to be on the call!


The main call is designed to support rapid/focused decision making. We don't expect deep technical discussions and we will not spend extended amounts of time on feature requests. Proposals are welcome, but they need a sponsor (someone willing to implement the work)!

The second part of the meeting is for in-depth technical discussions and open ended questions. The core team/subsystem maintainers will be available for up to 45 additional minutes.

# Schedule