# Payloads and Cameras

PX4 supports a wide range of payloads and cameras.

Payloads are connected to Fight Controller outputs, and can generally be triggered automatically in missions, or manually using RC passthrough or MAVLink/MAVSDK commands.


Payloads (actuators) can be tested in the pre-arm state, which disables motors but allows actuators to move. This may be safer than testing when the vehicle is armed.

# Mapping Drones

Mapping drones use cameras to capture images at time or distance intervals during surveys.

MAVLink cameras that support the MAVLink Camera Protocol (opens new window) provide the best integration with PX4 and QGroundControl. The MAVSDK provides simple APIs to use this protocol for both standalone camera operations (opens new window) and in missions (opens new window).

Cameras can also be connected directly to a flight controller using PWM or GPI outputs. PX4 supports the following set of MAVLink commands/mission items for cameras that are connected to the flight controller:

The following topics show how to connect and configure a camera:

# Cargo Drones ("Actuator" Payloads)

Cargo drones commonly use servos/actuators to trigger cargo release, control winches, etc. PX4 supports actuator triggering via both RC and MAVLink commands.

# Payload Outputs: Control Allocation


Control allocation is supported from PX4 v1.13 but disabled by default.

If control allocation is enabled (SYS_CTRL_ALLOC=1) you can specify up to 6 outputs to be controlled from RC channels and up to 6 outputs to be controlled from MAVLink.

This is done in the Actuators configuration screen by assigning the appropriate functions to any free payload outputs (in the actuator outputs section).

The functions are:

  • RC AUX 1 to RC AUX 6: Outputs for RC Control
  • Offboard Actuator Set 1 to Offboard Actuator Set 6: Outputs to set using MAVLink commands

# Payload Outputs: Mixer Allocation

The mixer file for the current airframe is used to specify the payload outputs for RC and MAVLink passthrough when control allocation is disabled.

Usually just three outputs are mapped to the AUX1, AUX2, AUX3 outputs of the flight controller. You can confirm which outputs are used for RC AUX passthrough on your vehicle in the Airframe Reference.

For example, Quadrotor-X has the normal mapping:

  • "AUX1: feed-through of RC AUX1 channel"
  • "AUX2: feed-through of RC AUX2 channel"
  • "AUX3: feed-through of RC AUX3 channel"

If your vehicle doesn't specify RC AUX feed-through outputs, then you can add them using using a custom Mixer File that maps Control group 3 outputs 5-7 to your desired port(s). An example of such a mixer is the default passthrough mixer: pass.aux.mix (opens new window).

# RC Payload Control

RC channels are mapped to specific outputs using the RC_MAP_AUXn parameters.

If control allocation is used then RC_MAP_AUXn maps a selected RC channel to the output with the assigned function RC AUX n, where n is 1 to 6 (e.g. RC_MAP_AUX2 maps the selected RC channel to the actuator output that has been assigned function RC AUX 2).

If a mixer is used, RC_MAP_AUXn maps to the passthrough output of the same number defined in the mixer file (e.g. RC_MAP_AUX2 maps a selected channel to the output defined by AUX2 in the mixer file).

MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ACTUATOR (opens new window) can be used in a command or mission to set the value of up to 6 actuators (at a time).

If control allocation is used then the command's param index (1 to 6) maps to the output with the assigned Offboard Actuator Set n output function that has the same n index (e.g. the value in param 5 is set on the output mapped by function Offboard Actuator Set 5).

If a mixer file is used, then the command's param index (1 to 6) maps to the corresponding passthrough AUXn value in the mixer file.

# MAVSDK (Example script)

The following MAVSDK (opens new window) example code (opens new window) shows how to trigger payload release using the MAVSDK Action plugin's set_actuator() (opens new window) method.

The set_actuator() index values map to the MAVLink payload outputs defined for your airframe.


MAVSDK sends the MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ACTUATOR (opens new window) MAVLink command under the hood.

#include <mavsdk/mavsdk.h>
#include <mavsdk/plugins/action/action.h>
#include <chrono>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
#include <future>

using namespace mavsdk;

void usage(const std::string& bin_name)
    std::cerr << "Usage :" << bin_name << " <connection_url> <actuator_index> <actuator_value>\n"
              << "Connection URL format should be :\n"
              << " For TCP : tcp://[server_host][:server_port]\n"
              << " For UDP : udp://[bind_host][:bind_port]\n"
              << " For Serial : serial:///path/to/serial/dev[:baudrate]\n"
              << "For example, to connect to the simulator use URL: udp://:14540\n";

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    if (argc != 4) {
        return 1;

    const std::string connection_url = argv[1];
    const int index = std::stod(argv[2]);
    const float value = std::stof(argv[3]);

    Mavsdk mavsdk;
    const ConnectionResult connection_result = mavsdk.add_any_connection(connection_url);

    if (connection_result != ConnectionResult::Success) {
        std::cerr << "Connection failed: " << connection_result << '\n';
        return 1;

    std::cout << "Waiting to discover system...\n";
    auto prom = std::promise<std::shared_ptr<System>>{};
    auto fut = prom.get_future();

    // We wait for new systems to be discovered, once we find one that has an
    // autopilot, we decide to use it.
    mavsdk.subscribe_on_new_system([&mavsdk, &prom]() {
        auto system = mavsdk.systems().back();

        if (system->has_autopilot()) {
            std::cout << "Discovered autopilot\n";

            // Unsubscribe again as we only want to find one system.

    // We usually receive heartbeats at 1Hz, therefore we should find a
    // system after around 3 seconds max, surely.
    if (fut.wait_for(std::chrono::seconds(3)) == std::future_status::timeout) {
        std::cerr << "No autopilot found, exiting.\n";
        return 1;

    // Get discovered system now.
    auto system = fut.get();

    // Instantiate plugins.
    auto action = Action{system};

    std::cout << "Setting actuator...\n";
    const Action::Result set_actuator_result = action.set_actuator(index, value);

    if (set_actuator_result != Action::Result::Success) {
        std::cerr << "Setting actuator failed:" << set_actuator_result << '\n';
        return 1;

    return 0;

# Surveillance, Search & Rescue

Surveillance and Search & Rescue drones have similar requirements to mapping drones. The main differences are that, in addition to flying a planned survey area, they typically need good standalone control over the camera for image and video capture, and they may need to be able to work during both day and night

Use a camera that supports the MAVLink Camera Protocol (opens new window) as this supports image and video capture, zooming, storage management, multiple cameras on the same vehicle and switching between them, etc. These cameras can be controlled either manually from QGroundControl or via MAVSDK (for both standalone camera operations (opens new window) and in missions (opens new window)). See Camera triggering for information on how to configure your camera to work with MAVLink.


Cameras connected directly to the flight control only support camera triggering, and are unlikely to be suitable for most surveillance/search work.

A search and rescue drone may also need to carry cargo, for example, emergency supplies for a stranded hiker. See Cargo Drones above for information about payload delivery.