# 安装GPS/指南针

应尽可能将GPS/指南针安装在框架上远离其他电子设备的地方。 它的方向标记指向载具前面。 如果以这种方式安装,你可以立即着手 指南针校准

The diagram below shows the heading marker on the Pixhawk 4 and compass.

Connect compass/GPS to Pixhawk 4

# Compass Orientation

指南针可以安装在任何 MAV_SENSOR_OR_ORIENTATION (opens new window) 定义的标准的 MAVLink 方向中。 The orientation follows the same frame convention as when orienting the flight controller.

If you're using the normal Compass Calibration process (with parameter SENS_MAG_AUTOROT enabled), the orientation should be detected automatically. 否则您可以在 CAL_MAGn_ROT 中为最多三个指南针直接选择适当的值。


You must mount the compass in a supported orientation!

If you mount the compass at an orientation that isn't supported, for example Yaw 30, PX4 will detect the closest supported value. This will result in errors/warnings, even if the calibration appeared to succeed.