# Holybro Kopis 2
The Holybro Kopis 2 (opens new window) is a ready-to-fly racer quad for flying FPV or line-of-sight.
# 购买渠道
The Kopis 2 can be bought from a number of vendors, including:
- 一个遥控器以及接收机。 The Kopis 2 can ship with an FrSky receiver or no receiver at all.
- LiPo battery and charger.
- FPV goggles if you want to fly FPV. There are many compatible options, including these ones from Fatshark (opens new window). You can also use DJI FPV goggles if you have the HDV verison of the Kopis 2.
support is completely independent of PX4/flight controller.
# 刷写 Bootloader
The Kopis 2 comes preinstalled with Betaflight.
在刷 PX4 固件之前,您必须先安装 PX4 的bootloader。 Instructions for installing the bootloader can be found in the Kakute F7 topic (this is the flight controller board on the Kopis 2).
You can always reinstall Betaflight later if you want!
# 安装配置
安装和配置 PX4:
At time of writing Kopis 2 is supported on the QGroundControl Daily Build, and prebuilt firmware is provided for the master branch only (stable releases are not yet available).
To install and configure PX4:
- 首先更新PX4 固件目录。
- Set the Airframe to Holybro Kopis 2.
- 再继续进行一些基本配置,包括传感器校准和电台设置。