# 使用 JMAVSim 进行多飞行器仿真

本主题介绍如何使用 JMAVSim和 SITL 模拟多架 (多旋翼) 无人机。 在仿真中所有无人机实例均在同一位置启动。


This is the easiest way to simulate multiple vehicles running PX4. It is suitable for testing multi-vehicle support in QGroundControl (or the MAVSDK (opens new window), etc.). Multi-Vehicle Simulation with Gazebo should be used for swarm simulations with many vehicles, or for testing features like computer vision that are only supported by Gazebo.

# 如何启动多个飞行器实例

To start multiple instances (on separate ports):

  1. 编译 PX4 make px4_sitl_default
    make px4_sitl_default
  2. 运行 sitl_multiple_run.sh, 指定要启动的飞行器的实例数目 (例如 2): ./Tools/sitl_multiple_run.sh 2
    ./Tools/sitl_multiple_run.sh 2
  3. 启动第一个实例: ./Tools/jmavsim_run.sh
    ./Tools/jmavsim_run.sh -l
  4. 启动后续实例,并为该实例指定 仿真 UDP 端口(所有命令应在同一行输入,以空格键隔开,完成输入后直接回车运行,此时由于所有实例的启动位置都相同所以无法分辨启动的实例个数,可通过查看端口号进行查询): ./Tools/jmavsim_run.sh -p 14561 端口号应设置为 14560+i for i in [0, N-1]
    ./Tools/jmavsim_run.sh -p 4561 -l
    端口号应该被设置为 4560+ii 的范围为 [0, N-1]

MAVSDK 或者 MAVROS 开发者 APIs 接口就是通过连接 UDP 接口 14540 (第一个实例), UDP 接口 14541(第二个实例),以此类推。

Developer APIs such as MAVSDK or MAVROS listen on sequentially allocated PX4 remote UDP ports from 14540 (first instance) to 14549. Additional instances all connect to port 14549.

# 额外资源