# 跟随模式
Follow Me mode allows a multicopter to autonomously follow and track another system that is broadcasting its position using the FOLLOW_TARGET (opens new window) MAVLink message.
无人机将自动偏航到朝向并跟随指定的相对位置目标,目标的水平间距和高度是从起始位置上方。 默认情况下跟随是从距离目标后面 8 米, 距离起始 / 解锁位置以上 8 米高的位置开始。 在此模式下不需要用户输入。
PX4 当前忽略目标的高度 / 从目标开始的高度,并与高于起始位置的恒定高度跟随。 这一限制是因为来自地面站 GPS 的高度源通常不准确。
The mode is supported by QGroundControl on Android tablets that have a GPS module, and by the MAVSDK (opens new window).
- This mode requires GPS.
- This mode is currently only supported on multicopter.
- The follow target must also be able to supply position information.
- QGroundControl only supports this mode on Android devices that have GPS. :::
# 安全须知
Follow-me mode does not implement any type of obstacle avoidance. Special care must be taken when this mode is used. :::
The following flight precautions should be observed:
- Follow me mode should only be used in wide open areas that are unobstructed by trees, power lines, houses, etc.
- Set the follow-me height to a value that is well above any surrounding obstructions. By default this is 8 metres/26 feet above the home (arming) position.
- It is safer to manually fly to a safe height before engaging follow-me mode than to engage follow-me mode when landed (even though the mode implements auto take off).
- Give your vehicle sufficient room to stop, especially when it is moving fast. 许多安卓设备不会非常频繁的更新其位置,并且自驾仪对速度和方向的估计可能是不准确的。
- Be ready to take manual RC control if something goes wrong when using follow me mode for the first time. 定位的准确性取决于目标系统使用的 GPS 的质量。 如果 GPS 不准确,这将反映在跟随模式中。
# 配合QGroundControl使用跟随模式
Follow Me mode is supported by QGroundControl on ground station hardware that has a GPS module. 推荐的配置是一个能使用 USB OTG 的安卓设备,配备两个数传。
To setup Follow Me mode:
- Connect a telemetry radio to your Android device and another to the vehicle (this allows positioning information to be relayed between the two radios).
- Disable sleep-mode on your Android device:
- This setting can usually be found under: Settings > Display.
- It is important that you set your Android device to not go to sleep as this could cause the GPS signal to cease being emitted at regular intervals.
- Takeoff to a height of at least 2-3 metres (recommended even though auto-takeoff is supported).
- Set the vehicle on the ground, press the safety switch and step back at least 10 meters.
- Arm the vehicle and takeoff.
- Switch into follow me mode.
- The copter will ascend to the specified minimum height and then pause for a moment to assess the radio link. 如果链路更新速率正常, 多旋翼无人机将偏航到朝向目标。
The mode has been tested on the following Android devices:
- Nexus 5
- Nexus 7 Tablet
# 配置
参数 | 描述 |
NAV_FT_DST | Vehicle/ground station separation in the horizontal (x,y) plane. Minimum allowed separation is 1 meter. Default distance is 8 meters (about 26 ft). |
NAV_MIN_FT_HT | Vehicle follow-me height. Note that this height is fixed relative to the home/arming position (not the target vehicle). Default and minimum height is 8 meters (about 26 ft). |
NAV_FT_FS | 当跟随模式处于激活状态,相对于用户的飞行位置。 - 0 = 从右前方跟随。- 1 = 从用户后方或者尾部跟随(默认)。- 2 = 从正前方跟随。- 3 = 从左前方跟随。 |
# 已知的问题
- 已知 SiK 915 Mhz 数传 会干扰某些安卓设备的 GPS 信号接收。 保持数传和安卓设备之间尽可能远的距离,避免使用跟随模式时受到干扰。