# Airframes Reference
Note This list is auto-generated (opens new window) from the source code.
AUX channels may not be present on some flight controllers. If present, PWM AUX channels are commonly labelled AUX OUT.
This page lists all supported airframes and types including the motor assignment and numbering. The motors in green rotate clockwise, the ones in blue counterclockwise.
# Airship
# Airship
Common Outputs |
Name | |
Cloudship | Maintainer: John Doe <john@example.com>
# Autogyro
# Autogyro
Common Outputs |
Name | |
ThunderFly Auto-G2 | Maintainer: ThunderFly s.r.o., Roman Dvorak <dvorakroman@thunderfly.cz>
Specific Outputs:
ThunderFly TF-G2 | Maintainer: ThunderFly s.r.o., Roman Dvorak <dvorakroman@thunderfly.cz>
Specific Outputs:
# Balloon
# Balloon
Name | |
ThunderFly balloon TF-B1 | Maintainer: ThunderFly s.r.o.
# Copter
# Coaxial Helicopter
Common Outputs |
Name | |
Esky (Big) Lama v4 | Maintainer: Emmanuel Roussel
# Dodecarotor cox
Common Outputs |
Name | |
Generic Dodecarotor cox geometry | Maintainer: William Peale <develop707@gmail.com>
# Helicopter
Common Outputs |
Name | |
Blade 130X | Maintainer: Bart Slinger <bartslinger@gmail.com>
# Hexarotor +
Common Outputs |
Name | |
Generic Hexarotor + geometry | Maintainer: Lorenz Meier <lorenz@px4.io>
# Hexarotor Coaxial
Common Outputs |
Name | |
Generic Hexarotor coaxial geometry | Maintainer: Lorenz Meier <lorenz@px4.io>
# Hexarotor x
Common Outputs |
Name | |
Generic Hexarotor x geometry | Maintainer: Lorenz Meier <lorenz@px4.io>
Specific Outputs:
UVify Draco-R | Maintainer: Hyon Lim <lim@uvify.com>
Specific Outputs:
Hex X with control allocation | Maintainer: Silvan Fuhrer
# Octo Coax Wide
Common Outputs |
Name | |
Steadidrone MAVRIK | Maintainer: Simon Wilks <simon@uaventure.com>
# Octorotor +
Common Outputs |
Name | |
Generic Octocopter + geometry | Maintainer: Lorenz Meier <lorenz@px4.io>
# Octorotor Coaxial
Common Outputs |
Name | Generic 10" Octo coaxial geometry | Maintainer: Lorenz Meier <lorenz@px4.io>
# Octorotor x
Common Outputs |
Name | |
Generic Octocopter X geometry | Maintainer: Lorenz Meier <lorenz@px4.io>
# Quadrotor +
Common Outputs |
Name | Generic 10" Quad + geometry | Maintainer: Lorenz Meier <lorenz@px4.io>
# Quadrotor H
Name | |
Reaper 500 Quad | Maintainer: Blankered
Specific Outputs:
BetaFPV Beta75X 2S Brushless Whoop | Maintainer: Beat Kueng <beat-kueng@gmx.net>
Specific Outputs:
# Quadrotor Wide
Common Outputs |
Name | |
Team Blacksheep Discovery | Maintainer: Lorenz Meier <lorenz@px4.io>
Specific Outputs:
3DR Iris Quadrotor | Maintainer: Lorenz Meier <lorenz@px4.io>
Specific Outputs:
Steadidrone QU4D | Maintainer: Lorenz Meier <lorenz@px4.io>
Specific Outputs:
Team Blacksheep Discovery Endurance | Maintainer: Simon Wilks <simon@uaventure.com>
Specific Outputs:
# Quadrotor asymmetric
Common Outputs |
Name | |
Spedix S250AQ | Maintainer: Lorenz Meier <lorenz@px4.io>
# Quadrotor x
Common Outputs |
Name | |
Generic Quadcopter | Maintainer: Lorenz Meier <lorenz@px4.io>
Specific Outputs:
| Lumenier QAV-R (raceblade) 5" arms | Maintainer: James Goppert <james.goppert@gmail.com>
Lumenier QAV250 | Maintainer: Lorenz Meier <lorenz@px4.io>
DJI F330 w/ DJI ESCs | Maintainer: Lorenz Meier <lorenz@px4.io>
DJI F450 w/ DJI ESCs | Maintainer: Lorenz Meier <lorenz@px4.io>
S500 Generic | Maintainer: Lorenz Meier <lorenz@px4.io>
Holybro S500 | Maintainer: Lorenz Meier <lorenz@px4.io>
PX4 Vision DevKit Platform | Maintainer: John Doe <john@example.com>
Specific Outputs:
NXP HoverGames | Maintainer: Iain Galloway <iain.galloway@nxp.com>
Specific Outputs:
S500 with control allocation | Maintainer: Silvan Fuhrer
3DR Solo | Maintainer: Andreas Antener <andreas@uaventure.com>
3DR DIY Quad | Maintainer: Lorenz Meier <lorenz@px4.io>
Generic 250 Racer | Maintainer: Lorenz Meier <lorenz@px4.io>
HolyBro QAV250 | Maintainer: Beat Kueng <beat-kueng@gmx.net>
Holybro Kopis 2 | Maintainer: Beat Kueng <beat@px4.io>
DJI Matrice 100 | Maintainer: James Goppert <james.goppert@gmail.com>
UVify IFO | Maintainer: Hyon Lim <lim@uvify.com>
Specific Outputs:
UVify Draco | Maintainer: Hyon Lim <lim@uvify.com>
Specific Outputs:
UVify IFO | Maintainer: Hyon Lim <lim@uvify.com>
Specific Outputs:
ZMR250 Racer | Maintainer: Anton Matosov <anton.matosov@gmail.com>
NanoMind 110 Quad | Maintainer: Henry Zhang <zhanghui629@gmail.com>
Teal One | Maintainer: Matt McFadden <matt.mcfadden@tealdrones.com>
Specific Outputs:
COEX Clover 4 | Maintainer: Oleg Kalachev <okalachev@gmail.com>
Crazyflie 2 | Maintainer: Dennis Shtatov <densht@gmail.com>
Crazyflie 2.1 | Maintainer: Dennis Shtatov <densht@gmail.com>
# Simulation (Copter)
Name | |
HIL Quadcopter X | Maintainer: Lorenz Meier <lorenz@px4.io>
SIH Quadcopter X | Maintainer: Romain Chiappinelli <romain.chiap@gmail.com>
# Tilt-Quad
Common Outputs |
Name | |
Tilt-Quadrotor | Maintainer: Ricardo Marques <marques.ricardo17@gmail.com>
# Tricopter Y+
Common Outputs |
Name | |
Generic Tricopter Y+ Geometry | Maintainer: Trent Lukaczyk <aerialhedgehog@gmail.com>
# Tricopter Y-
Common Outputs |
Name | |
Generic Tricopter Y- Geometry | Maintainer: Trent Lukaczyk <aerialhedgehog@gmail.com>
# Plane
# Flying Wing
Common Outputs |
Name | |
Generic Flying Wing |
Specific Outputs:
IO Camflyer | Maintainer: Simon Wilks <simon@uaventure.com>
Specific Outputs:
Phantom FPV Flying Wing | Maintainer: Simon Wilks <simon@uaventure.com>
Specific Outputs:
Skywalker X5 Flying Wing | Maintainer: Julian Oes <julian@px4.io>
Specific Outputs:
Wing Wing (aka Z-84) Flying Wing | Maintainer: Lorenz Meier <lorenz@px4.io>
Specific Outputs:
FX-79 Buffalo Flying Wing | Maintainer: Simon Wilks <simon@uaventure.com>
Specific Outputs:
Viper | Maintainer: Simon Wilks <simon@uaventure.com>
Specific Outputs:
Sparkle Tech Pigeon | Maintainer: Simon Wilks <simon@uaventure.com>
Specific Outputs:
Modified Parrot Disco | Maintainer: Jan Liphardt <JTLiphardt@gmail.com>
Specific Outputs:
TBS Caipirinha | Maintainer: Lorenz Meier <lorenz@px4.io>
Specific Outputs:
# Plane A-Tail
Common Outputs |
Name | |
Applied Aeronautics Albatross | Maintainer: Andreas Antener <andreas@uaventure.com>
# Plane V-Tail
Common Outputs |
Name | |
X-UAV Mini Talon | Maintainer: Friedrich Beckmann <friedrich.beckmann@hs-augsburg.de>
# Simulation (Plane)
Common Outputs |
Name | |
HILStar (XPlane) | Maintainer: Lorenz Meier <lorenz@px4.io>
# Standard Plane
Common Outputs |
Name | |
Standard Plane | Maintainer: Lorenz Meier <lorenz@px4.io>
Specific Outputs:
Bormatec Maja | Maintainer: Andreas Antener <andreas@uaventure.com>
Specific Outputs:
# Rover
# Rover
Name | |
Generic Ground Vehicle |
Specific Outputs:
Aion Robotics R1 UGV | Maintainer: Timothy Scott
Specific Outputs:
NXP Cup car: DF Robot GPX | Maintainer: Katrin Moritz
Specific Outputs:
# Underwater Robot
# Underwater Robot
Name | |
Generic Underwater Robot |
HippoCampus UUV (Unmanned Underwater Vehicle) | Maintainer: Daniel Duecker <daniel.duecker@tuhh.de>
# Vectored 6 DOF UUV
Common Outputs |
Name | |
BlueROV2 (Heavy Configuration) | Maintainer: Thies Lennart Alff <thies.lennart.alff@tuhh.de>
# Standard VTOL
Name | |
HIL Standard VTOL QuadPlane | Maintainer: Roman Bapst <roman@auterion.com>
Generic Quadplane VTOL |
Specific Outputs:
Fun Cub Quad VTOL | Maintainer: Simon Wilks <simon@uaventure.com>
Specific Outputs:
Generic quad delta VTOL | Maintainer: Simon Wilks <simon@uaventure.com>
Specific Outputs:
Generic AAVVT v-tail plane airframe with Quad VTOL. | Maintainer: Sander Smeets <sander@droneslab.com>
QuadRanger | Maintainer: Sander Smeets <sander@droneslab.com>
Sparkle Tech Ranger VTOL | Maintainer: Andreas Antener <andreas@uaventure.com>
Vertical Technologies DeltaQuad | Maintainer: Sander Smeets <sander@droneslab.com>
Specific Outputs:
BabyShark VTOL | Maintainer: Silvan Fuhrer <silvan@auterion.com>
Specific Outputs:
# VTOL Duo Tailsitter
Common Outputs |
Name | |
Caipiroshka Duo Tailsitter | Maintainer: Roman Bapst <roman@px4.io>
Generic Tailsitter | Maintainer: Roman Bapst <roman@px4.io>
# VTOL Octoplane
Common Outputs |
Name | |
Generic Octoplane VTOL | Maintainer: John Doe <john@example.com>
# VTOL Quad Tailsitter
Common Outputs |
Name | |
Quadrotor X Tailsitter | Maintainer: Roman Bapst <roman@px4.io>
Quadrotor + Tailsitter | Maintainer: Roman Bapst <roman@px4.io>
# VTOL Tiltrotor
Name | |
BirdsEyeView Aerobotics FireFly6 | Maintainer: Roman Bapst <roman@uaventure.com>
Specific Outputs:
CruiseAder Claire | Maintainer: Samay Siga <samay_s@icloud.com>
E-flite Convergence | Maintainer: Andreas Antener <andreas@uaventure.com>
Specific Outputs:
Generic Quadplane VTOL Tiltrotor |
Specific Outputs: