# SensorUwb (UORB message)

UWB distance contains the distance information measured by an ultra-wideband positioning system, such as Pozyx or NXP Rddrone.

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# UWB distance contains the distance information measured by an ultra-wideband positioning system,
# such as Pozyx or NXP Rddrone.

uint64  timestamp       # time since system start (microseconds)

uint32  sessionid       # UWB SessionID
uint32  time_offset     # Time between Ranging Rounds in ms
uint32  counter         # Number of Ranges since last Start of Ranging
uint16  mac         # MAC adress of Initiator (controller)

uint16  mac_dest        # MAC adress of Responder (Controlee)
uint16  status          # status feedback #
uint8   nlos            # None line of site condition y/n
float32 distance        # distance in m to the UWB receiver

#Angle of arrival, Angle in Degree -60..+60; FOV in both axis is 120 degrees
float32 aoa_azimuth_dev # Angle of arrival of first incomming RX msg
float32 aoa_elevation_dev   # Angle of arrival of first incomming RX msg
float32 aoa_azimuth_resp    # Angle of arrival of first incomming RX msg at the responder
float32 aoa_elevation_resp  # Angle of arrival of first incomming RX msg at the responder

# Figure of merit for the angle measurements
uint8 aoa_azimuth_fom       # AOA Azimuth FOM
uint8 aoa_elevation_fom     # AOA Elevation FOM
uint8 aoa_dest_azimuth_fom  # AOA Azimuth FOM
uint8 aoa_dest_elevation_fom    # AOA Elevation FOM

# Initiator physical configuration
uint8 orientation       # Direction the sensor faces from MAV_SENSOR_ORIENTATION enum
                # Standard configuration is Antennas facing down and azimuth aligened in forward direction
float32 offset_x        # UWB initiator offset in X axis (NED drone frame)
float32 offset_y        # UWB initiator offset in Y axis (NED drone frame)
float32 offset_z        # UWB initiator offset in Z axis (NED drone frame)