# 윈도우즈 환경의 Cygwin 개발 환경 설정 (유지 보수 지침)

이 주제는 어떤 방식으로 Cygwin 기반의 윈도우 개발 환경을 구성하고 확장하는 방법을 설명해주는 글입니다.

# 추가 정보

# 기능 / 문제

다음과 같은 기능은 다음과 같은 버전에서 확실히 작동합니다. (Version 2.0):

  • SITL과 jMAVSim의 빌드 및 실행은 가상 머신에서의 동작보다 월등합니다. (이것은 윈도우 자체 바이너리를 만듭니다. px4.exe).
  • NuttX 빌드 및 업로드 (예: px4_fmu-v2 and px4_fmu-v4)
  • astyle을 이용한 코드 검사(명령어: make format)
  • 명령행 자동 완성
  • 비침투적 설치 도구 해당 설치 프로그램은 사용자의 시스템과 전역 경로 설정에 어떤 영향도 주지 않습니다 (C:\PX4\와 같은 선택한 설치 디렉터리만 수정하며 임시 로컬 경로를 사용합니다).
  • 설치 마법사에서는 툴체인 폴더의 개별 설정을 유지하면서 새 버전으로 업데이트할 수 있습니다.


# Shell Script Installation

You can also install the environment using shell scripts in the Github project.

  1. Make sure you have Git for Windows (opens new window) installed.
  2. Clone the repository https://github.com/PX4/windows-toolchain to the location you want to install the toolchain. Default location and naming is achieved by opening the Git Bash and executing:
cd /c/
git clone https://github.com/PX4/windows-toolchain PX4
  1. If you want to install all components navigate to the freshly cloned folder and double click on the script install-all-components.bat located in the folder toolchain. If you only need certain components and want to safe Internet traffic and or disk space you can navigate to the different component folders like e.g. toolchain\cygwin64 and click on the install-XXX.bat scripts to only fetch something specific.
  2. Continue with Getting Started.

# Manual Installation (for Toolchain Developers)

This section describes how to setup the Cygwin toolchain manually yourself while pointing to the corresponding scripts from the script based installation repo. The result should be the same as using the scripts or MSI installer.


The toolchain gets maintained and hence these instructions might not cover every detail of all the future changes.

  1. Create the folders: **C:\PX4**, *C:\PX4\toolchain* and *C:\PX4\home*

  2. Download the Cygwin installer file setup-x86_64.exe (opens new window) from the official Cygwin website (opens new window)

  3. Run the downloaded setup file

  4. In the wizard choose to install into the folder: *C:\PX4\toolchain\cygwin64*

  5. Select to install the default Cygwin base and the newest available version of the following additional packages:

    • **Category:Packagename **
    • Devel:cmake (3.3.2 gives no deprecated warnings, 3.6.2 works but has the warnings)
    • Devel:gcc-g++
    • Devel:gdb
    • Devel:git
    • Devel:make
    • Devel:ninja
    • Devel:patch
    • Editors:xxd
    • Editors:nano (unless you're the vim pro)
    • Python:python2
    • Python:python2-pip
    • Python:python2-numpy
    • Python:python2-jinja2
    • Python:python2-pyyaml
    • Python:python2-cerberus
    • Archive:unzip
    • Utils:astyle
    • Shells:bash-completion
    • Web:wget


Do not select as many packages as possible which are not on this list, there are some which conflict and break the builds.

  1. Write up or copy the batch scripts run-console.bat (opens new window) and setup-environment.bat (opens new window).

    The reason to start all the development tools through the prepared batch script is they preconfigure the starting program to use the local, portable Cygwin environment inside the toolchain's folder. This is done by always first calling the script setup-environment.bat (opens new window) and the desired application like the console after that.

    The script setup-environment.bat (opens new window) locally sets environmental variables for the workspace root directory PX4_DIR, all binary locations PATH, and the home directory of the unix environment HOME.

  2. Add necessary python packages to your setup by opening the Cygwin toolchain console (double clicking run-console.bat) and executing

    pip2 install toml
    pip2 install pyserial
    pip2 install pyulog
  1. Download the ARM GCC compiler (opens new window) as zip archive of the binaries for Windows and unpack the content to the folder C:\PX4\toolchain\gcc-arm.


This is what the toolchain does in: gcc-arm/install-gcc-arm.bat (opens new window).

  1. Install the JDK:
    • Download Java 14 from Oracle (opens new window) or AdoptOpenJDK (opens new window).
    • Because sadly there is no portable archive containing the binaries directly you have to install it.
    • Find the binaries and move/copy them to C:\PX4\toolchain\jdk.
    • You can uninstall the Kit from your Windows system again, we only needed the binaries for the toolchain.


This is what the toolchain does in: jdk/install-jdk.bat (opens new window).

  1. Download Apache Ant (opens new window) as zip archive of the binaries for Windows and unpack the content to the folder C:\PX4\toolchain\apache-ant.


Make sure you don't have an additional folder layer from the folder which is inside the downloaded archive.


This is what the toolchain does in: apache-ant/install-apache-ant.bat (opens new window).

  1. Download, build and add genromfs to the path:
    • Clone the source code to the folder C:\PX4\toolchain\genromfs\genromfs-src with

      cd /c/toolchain/genromfs
      git clone https://github.com/chexum/genromfs.git genromfs-src
    • Compile it with:

      cd genromfs-src
      make all
    * Copy the resulting binary **genromfs.exe** one folder level out to: **C:\PX4\toolchain\genromfs**


This is what the toolchain does in: genromfs/install-genromfs.bat (opens new window).

  1. Make sure all the binary folders of all the installed components are correctly listed in the PATH variable configured by setup-environment.bat (opens new window).