
The Land flight mode causes the vehicle to land at the position where the mode was engaged. After landing, vehicles will disarm after a short timeout (by default).

该模式需要有效的位置估计,除非由于故障保护而进入该模式,在这种情况下仅需要高度(通常在飞行控制器中内置气压计)。 This mode is automatic - no user intervention is required to control the vehicle. RC control switches can be used to change flight modes on any vehicle. The effect of RC stick movement depends on the vehicle type.



飞机将降落在模式所指定的位置。 The vehicle descends at the rate specified in MPC_LAND_SPEED and will disarm after landing (by default).

RC stick movement will by default change the vehicle to Position mode unless handling a critical battery failsafe.

Landing is affected by the following parameters:

参数 描述
MPC_LAND_SPEED 着陆过程中的下降速率。 鉴于地面情况未知,这个值应该设得相当小。
COM_DISARM_LAND Time-out for auto disarm after landing, in seconds. If set to -1 the vehicle will not disarm on landing.
COM_RC_OVERRIDE If enabled stick movement gives control back to the pilot in Position mode (except when vehicle is handling a critical battery failsafe). Enabled by default.


The vehicle will turn and land at the location at which the mode was engaged. RC stick movement is ignored.

Fixed wing landing logic and parameters are explained in the topic: Landing (Fixed Wing).

通常,固定翼飞机将遵循固定的着陆轨迹到地面(它不会尝试拉平着陆)。 这是因为在着陆模式下,飞机可能不知道地面高度并且将假设它处于海平面。 由于地面高度可能会高得多,因此飞机通常会在高于拉平辑逻辑的高度处到达地面。

Landing is affected by the following parameters (also see Landing (Fixed Wing)):

参数 描述
COM_DISARM_LAND Time-out for auto disarm after landing, in seconds. If set to -1 the vehicle will not disarm on landing.


A VTOL follows the LAND behavior and parameters of Fixed Wing when in FW mode, and of Multicopter when in MC mode. When NAV_FORCE_VT is set (default: on) a VTOL in FW mode will transition back to MC just before landing.

© PX4 Dev Team. License: CC BY 4.0            Updated: 2024-02-13 22:49:01

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