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PX4 参考飞行控制器设计

PX4 参考设计是飞行控制器的 Pixhawk 系列 。 该设计于2011年首次发布,现已进入第5 (第六代电路板设计正在进行中)。


所有按照特定设计制造的主板预计与二进制兼容(即可以运行相同的固件)。 从2018年起,我们将提供一个二进制兼容性测试套件,使我们能够验证兼容性。

第1-3代 FMU 设计用于开源硬件,但到了第4-5代只提供 pin 输出引脚和供电规格(原理图由个人开发者生成)。 为了可以更好的确保兼容性,FMUv6 及更新的版本重新提供完整的设计模型。


  • FMUv1:开发板 \(STM32F407, 128 KB RAM, 1MB flash, 原理图\)(PX4 不再支持)
  • FMUv2:Pixhawk \(STM32F427, 168 MHz, 192 KB RAM, 1MB flash, 原理图\)
  • FMUv3:2MB Flash 的 Pixhawk 变种 \(3DR Pixhawk 2 \(Solo\), Hex Pixhawk 2.1,Holybro Pixfalcon,3DR Pixhawk Mini,STM32F427,168 MHz,256 KB RAM,2 MB flash,原理图\)
  • FMUv4:Pixracer \(STM32F427, 168 MHz, 256 KB RAM, 2MB flash, 原理图\)
  • FMUv4 PRO: Drotek Pixhawk 3 PRO (STM32F469, 180 MHz, 384 KB RAM, 2 MB flash, 输出引脚)
  • FMUv5: Holybro Pixhawk 4 (STM32F765, 216 MHz, 512 KB RAM, 2 MB flash, 输出引脚)
  • FMUv6: work in progress, final name TBD, variant 6s (STM32H7, 400 MHz, 2 MB RAM, 2 MB flash) and variant 6i (i.MX RT1050, 600 MHz, 512 KB RAM, external flash)

Main/IO 功能分解

下图展示了在Pixhawk系列飞行控制器(这些板被合并进一个单独的物理模块中)中 FMU 和 I/O 板之间总线和功能的职能划分。

PX4 Main/IO Functional Breakdown

一些Pixhawk系列控制器为了减少空间或复杂性,或者更好解决使用问题,没有通过I/O板构建。 In this case the I/O driver is not started.

Manufacturer flight controller variants without an I/O board are often named as a "diminutive" of a version that includes the I/O board: e.g. Pixhawk 4 Mini, _CUAV v5 nano.

Build targets that must run on flight controllers with an I/O board map the FMU outputs to AUX and the I/0 outputs to MAIN (see diagram above). If the target is run on hardware where I/O board is not present or has been disabled, the PWM MAIN outputs will not be present. You might see this, for example, by running px4_fmu-v5_default on Pixhawk 4 (with IO) and Pixhawk 4 Mini (without I/O).


On Pixhawk 4 Mini this results in a mismatch between the MAIN label screenprinted on the flight controller and the AUX bus shown during Actuator Configuration. ::: info that if a build target is only ever intended to run on a flight controller that does not have an I/0 board, then the FMU outputs are mapped to MAIN (for example, the px4_fmu-v4_default target for Pixracer).

PX4 PWM outputs are mapped to either MAIN or AUX ports in Actuator Configuration.