Test MC_04 - Failsafe Testing
Test RC loss, data link loss, and low battery failsafes.
- Verify RC Loss action is Return to Land
- Verify Data Link Loss action is Return to Land and the timeout is 10 seconds
- Verify Battery failsafe
- Action is Return to Land
- Battery Warn Level is 25%
- Battery Failsafe Level is 20%
- Battery Emergency Level is 15%
Flight Tests
❏ RC loss
❏ Take off in Altitude mode
❏ Move at least 20 meters away home position
❏Turn off RC and check the vehicle returns to home position, wait for the descent and turn on the RC and take over.
❏ Datalink Loss
❏ Disconnect telemetry, vehicle should return to home position after 10 seconds, wait for the descent and reconnect the telemetry radio
❏ Battery Failsafe
❏ Confirm the warning message is received in QGC
❏ Confirm the vehicle returns to land on failsafe level
❏ Confirm the vehicle lands on emergency land level