Test MC_01 - Manual Modes
To test that manual flight modes work as expected
Ensure that the drone can go into Stabilized, Altitude, Position mode while still on the ground
Flight Tests
❏ Stabilized
❏ Pitch/Roll/Yaw response 1:1
❏ Throttle response 1:1
❏ Altitude
❏ Vertical position should hold current value with stick centered
❏ Pitch/Roll/Yaw response 1:1
❏ Throttle response set to Climbs/Descend rate
❏ Position
❏ Horizontal position should hold current value with stick centered
❏ Vertical position should hold current value with stick centered
❏ Throttle response set to Climbs/Descend rate
❏ Pitch/Roll/Yaw response set to Pitch/Roll/Yaw rates
❏ Landing
❏ Land in Position mode with the throttle below 40%
❏ Upon touching ground, copter should disarm automatically within 2 seconds (disarm time set by parameter: COM_DISARM_LAND)
Expected Results
- Take-off should be smooth as throttle is raised
- No oscillations should present in any of the above flight modes
- Upon landing, copter should not bounce on the ground