计算机视觉 (光流,MoCap, VIO,避障)
Computer vision techniques enable computers to use visual data to make sense of their environment.
PX4 uses computer vision systems (primarily running on Companion Computers) in order to support the following features:
- Optical Flow provides 2D velocity estimation (using a downward facing camera and a downward facing distance sensor).
- Motion Capture provides 3D pose estimation using a vision system that is external to the vehicle. 它主要用于室内导航。
- Visual Inertial Odometry provides 3D pose and velocity estimation using an onboard vision system and IMU. 用于在 GNSS 位置信息不存在或不可靠时的导航。
- Collision Prevention is used to stop vehicles before they can crash into an obstacle (primarily when flying in manual modes).
The PX4 Vision Autonomy Development Kit (Holybro) is a robust and inexpensive kit for developers working with computer vision on PX4.
Motion Capture (MoCap) is a technique for estimating the 3D pose (position and orientation) of a vehicle using a positioning mechanism that is external to the vehicle. MoCap 系统最常使用红外相机检测运动,但也可以使用其他类型的相机,激光雷达或者超宽带 (UWB)。
MoCap is commonly used to navigate a vehicle in situations where GPS is absent (e.g. indoors), and provides position relative to a local coordinate system.
有关 MoCap 的信息,请参阅:
- External Position Estimation
- Flying with Motion Capture (VICON, NOKOV, Optitrack)
- Using PX4's Navigation Filter (EKF2) > External Vision System
Visual Inertial Odometry (VIO)
Visual Inertial Odometry (VIO) is used for estimating the 3D pose (position and orientation) and velocity of a moving vehicle relative to a local starting position. 它通常用于在 GPS 不存在(例如室内)或不可靠的情况下(例如在桥下飞行时)给载具导航。
VIO uses Visual Odometry to estimate vehicle pose from visual information, combined with inertial measurements from an IMU (to correct for errors associated with rapid vehicle movement resulting in poor image capture).
One difference between VIO and MoCap is that VIO cameras/IMU are vehicle-based, and additionally provide velocity information.
关于在 PX4 上配置 VIO 的信息,请参阅:
Optical Flow provides 2D velocity estimation (using a downward facing camera and a downward facing distance sensor).
本地位置估计 光学流 对 VIO
这两种技术都使用照相机并测量帧之间的差异。 光学流使用向下照相机,而VIO则使用立体照相机或45度跟踪照相机。 假定两者的校准都很好,哪个对本地地位置估计更好?
The consensus appears to be:
Optical flow:
- 向下光学流使得你能够通过陀螺仪的角速度来校正角平面速度。
- 需要准确的地面距离并假定地面为平面。 在这种情况下,它可能与VIO一样准确可靠(例如室内飞行)
- 它比VIO更健壮,因为它的状态较少。
- 更便宜和更容易设置,因为它只需要一个流传感器,一个范围探测器。 并设置几个参数(可以连接到飞行控制器)。
- 购买更加昂贵,设置更加困难。 它需要一台单独的配套计算机、校准、软件、配置等等。
- 如果没有可跟踪的点特征(实际上现实世界一般有点特征),效果将会减弱。
- 较为灵活,可以增加诸如避免障碍和制图等其他功能。
组合(两者兼用)可能是最可靠的,但在大多数现实世界的情景中并不必要。 通常您将选择适合您的运行环境、所需功能和成本限制的系统:
- 如果您打算在没有GPS的情况下在室外飞行(或室外和室内飞行),请使用 VIO 或者如果您需要支持避障碍和其他计算机视觉特性。
- 如果您只计划在室内飞行(不使用 GPS),且成本是一个重要的考虑因素,使用Optical Flow。
- XTDrone - ROS + PX4 simulation environment for computer vision. The XTDrone Manual has everything you need to get started!