PX4 provides a number of manual and automated features that you can use to improve flight safety, protecting nearby people and property, and hopefully also your vehicle.
These features range from failsafe actions that can trigger when the vehicle travels outside an allowed geofence boundary, or starts to run low on battery, though to automatic disarming after landing, so that it is less likely that you will approach a vehicle while propellers are still spinning. They also include flight termination actions such as parachute deployment.
These are covered in the following topics:
- Safety Configuration (Failsafes)
- Failsafe Simulation
- Geofence
- Safe Points (Rally)
- 解锁前/解锁/加锁 配置
- 飞行终止配置
- First Flight Guidelines
Note that the First Flight Guidelines are listed last. They are important, but you'll be a lot safer in that first flight if your vehicle is configured properly!