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或者,也可以直接从 bash 运行完整的单元测试:

  1. Unit tests with Google Test ("GTest") - tests that have minimal, internal-only dependencies
  2. 使用GTest的功能性测试 - 依赖parameters和 uORB消息的测试
  3. 软件在环(SITL)单元测试。 这些测试需要运行在完整的SITL环境中, 运行起来更慢,更难调试,所以建议尽可能使用GTest代替。


Tip: In general, if you need access to advanced GTest utilities, data structures from the STL or need to link to parameters or uorb libraries you should use the functional tests instead.


  1. 单元测试分成三个部分:设置、运行、检查结果。 每个单元测试都应该测试一个特定行为或设置案例,如果测试失败,则很明显你的测试代码有错误。 请尽可能遵循这些标准。
  2. Copy and rename the example unit test AttitudeControlTest to the directory the code to be tested is in.
  3. Add the new file to the directory's CMakeLists.txt. It should look something like px4_add_unit_gtest(SRC MyNewUnitTest.cpp LINKLIBS <library_to_be_tested>)
  4. 添加你想要的测试功能。 这包括了添加所需的头文件、新测试(每个测试都应该有单独的名称),并加入相关逻辑,运行测试代码并验证其行为是否符合预期。
  5. If additional library dependencies are required, they should also be added to the CMakeLists after the LINKLIBS as shown above.

Tests can be run via make tests, after which you will find the binary in build/px4_sitl_test/unit-MyNewUnit. 也可以直接通过调试器中运行。


当测试或测试的组件依赖参数、uORB 消息、或更高级的GTest功能的时候,应当使用GTest功能测试。 Additionally, functional tests can contain local usage of STL data structures (although be careful of platform differences between e.g. macOS and Linux).


  1. 一般来说(与单元测试类似)功能测试应分为三个部分:设置,运行,检查结果。 每个单元测试都应该测试一个特定行为或设置案例,如果测试失败,则很明显你的测试代码有错误。 请尽可能遵循这些标准。
  2. Copy and rename the example functional test ParameterTest to the directory the code to be tested is in.
  3. 将ParameterTest 重命名为更符合你正在测试的代码功能。
  4. Add the new file to the directory's CMakeLists.txt. It should look something like px4_add_functional_gtest(SRC MyNewFunctionalTest.cpp LINKLIBS <library_to_be_tested>)
  5. 添加你想要的测试功能。 这包括了,添加特定的头文件、新测试(每个测试都应该使用不同的命名),并设置相关逻辑,运行测试代码并验证是否符合预期。
  6. If additional library dependencies are required, they should also be added to the CMakeLists after the LINKLIBS as shown above.

Tests can be run via make tests, after which you will find the binary in build/px4_sitl_test/functional-MyNewFunctional. It can be run directly in a debugger, however be careful to only run one test per executable invocation using the --gtest_filter=<regex> arguments, as some parts of the uORB and parameter libraries don't clean themselves up perfectly and may result in undefined behavior if set up multiple times.


当需要所有的飞行控制组件:驱动、时间或者更多时,应该SITL单元测试。 这些测试运行较慢(每个模块至少1秒+),同时难以测试,所以仅在必要时使用它们。


  1. Examine the sample Unittest-class.

  2. Create a new .cpp file within tests with name test_[description].cpp.

  3. Within test_[description].cpp include the base unittest-class <unit_test.h> and all files required to write a test for the new feature.

  4. Within test_[description].cpp create a class [Description]Test that inherits from UnitTest.

  5. Within [Description]Test class declare the public method virtual bool run_tests().

  6. Within [Description]Test class declare all private methods required to test the feature in question (test1(), test2(),...).

  7. Within test_[description].cpp implement the run_tests() method where each test[1,2,...] will be run.

  8. Within test_[description].cpp, implement the various tests.

  9. At the bottom within test_[description].cpp declare the test.

    ut_declare_test_c(test_[description], [Description]Test)


    #include <unit_test.h>
    #include "[new feature].h"
    class [Description]Test : public UnitTest
        virtual bool run_tests();
        bool test1();
        bool test2();
    bool [Description]Test::run_tests()
        return (_tests_failed == 0);
    bool [Description]Test::test1()
        ut_[name of one of the unit test functions](...
        ut_[name of one of the unit test functions](...
        return true;
    bool [Description]Test::test2()
        ut_[name of one of the unit test functions](...
        ut_[name of one of the unit test functions](...
        return true;
    ut_declare_test_c(test_[description], [Description]Test)

    Note that ut_[name of one of the unit test functions] corresponds to one of the unittest functions defined within unit_test.h.

  10. Within tests_main.h define the new test:

extern int test_[description](int argc, char *argv[]);
  1. Within tests_main.c add description name, test function and option:
} tests[] = {
    {"[description]", test_[description], OPTION},

OPTION can be OPT_NOALLTEST,OPT_NOJIGTEST or 0 and is considered if within px4 shell one of the two commands are called:

pxh> tests all

pxh> tests jig

If a test has option OPT_NOALLTEST, then that test will be excluded when calling tests all. The same is true for OPT_NOJITEST when command test jig is called. Option 0 means that the test is never excluded, which is what most developer want to use.

  1. Add the test test_[description].cpp to the CMakeLists.txt.


Run the complete list of GTest Unit Tests, GTest Functional Tests and SITL Unit Tests right from bash:

make tests

The individual GTest test binaries are in the build/px4_sitl_test/ directory, and can be run directly in most IDEs' debugger.


make tests TESTFILTER=<regex filter expression>


  • make tests TESTFILTER=unit only run GTest unit tests
  • make tests TESTFILTER=sitl only run simulation tests
  • make tests TESTFILTER=Attitude only run the AttitudeControl test