Motion Capture (MoCap)
Motion Capture (MoCap) is a computer vision technique for estimating the 3D pose (position and orientation) of a vehicle using a positioning mechanism that is external to the vehicle. It is commonly used to navigate a vehicle in situations where GPS is absent (e.g. indoors), and provides position relative to a local coordinate system.
MoCap systems most commonly detect motion using infrared cameras, but other types of cameras, Lidar, or Ultra Wideband (UWB) may also be used.
MoCap is conceptually similar to Visual Inertial Odometry (VIO). 主要区别在于,在 VIO 中,视觉系统运行在无人机上。 额外还需要利用无人机上 IMU 提供速度信息。
MoCap 资源
有关 MoCap 的信息,请参阅: