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HomePosition (UORB message)

GPS home position in WGS84 coordinates.

source file

# GPS home position in WGS84 coordinates.


uint64 timestamp			# time since system start (microseconds)

float64 lat				# Latitude in degrees
float64 lon				# Longitude in degrees
float32 alt				# Altitude in meters (AMSL)

float32 x				# X coordinate in meters
float32 y				# Y coordinate in meters
float32 z				# Z coordinate in meters

float32 yaw				# Yaw angle in radians

bool valid_alt		# true when the altitude has been set
bool valid_hpos		# true when the latitude and longitude have been set
bool valid_lpos		# true when the local position (xyz) has been set

bool manual_home	# true when home position was set manually

uint32 update_count 	# update counter of the home position