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ROS 2 Offboard 控制示例

The following C++ example shows how to do position control in offboard mode from a ROS 2 node.

示例将首先发送设置点、进入offboard模式、解锁、起飞至5米,并悬停等待。 虽然简单,但它显示了如何使用offboard控制以及如何向无人机发送指令。

It has been tested on Ubuntu 20.04 with ROS 2 Foxy and PX4 v1.14.


Offboard control is dangerous. 如果你是在一个真正的无人机平台上进行试验,请保证你已经设置了切换回手动的开关来防止紧急情况的发生。


ROS and PX4 make a number of different assumptions, in particular with respect to frame conventions. 当主题发布或订阅时,坐标系类型之间没有隐含转换!

这个例子按照PX4的定义在NED坐标系下发布位置。 To subscribe to data coming from nodes that publish in a different frame (for example the ENU, which is the standard frame of reference in ROS/ROS 2), use the helper functions in the frame_transforms library.


Follow the instructions in ROS 2 User Guide to install PX and run the simulator, install ROS 2, and start the XRCE-DDS Agent.

After that we can follow a similar set of steps to those in ROS 2 User Guide > Build ROS 2 Workspace to run the example.


Make sure that QGC is connected to PX4 before running the ROS 2 node. This is needed because, by default, you cannot arm a vehicle without a connection to ground station (QGC) or an established RC connection (this ensures there is always the option to regain manual control).


  1. Open a new terminal.

  2. 使用以下方法创建并切换至新的 colcon工作目录:

mkdir -p ~/ws_offboard_control/src/
cd ~/ws_offboard_control/src/
  1. Clone the px4_msgs repo to the /src directory (this repo is needed in every ROS 2 PX4 workspace!):
git clone
# checkout the matching release branch if not using PX4 main.
  1. Clone the example repository px4_ros_com to the /src directory:
git clone
  1. Source the ROS 2 development environment into the current terminal and compile the workspace using colcon:
  1. Source the local_setup.bash:
source install/local_setup.bash
  1. 启动例程。
ros2 run px4_ros_com offboard_control



The source code of the offboard control example can be found in PX4/px4_ros_com in the directory /src/examples/offboard/offboard_control.cpp.


PX4 publishes all the messages used in this example as ROS topics by default (see dds_topics.yaml).

PX4 requires that the vehicle is already receiving OffboardControlMode messages before it will arm in offboard mode, or before it will switch to offboard mode when flying. In addition, PX4 will switch out of offboard mode if the stream rate of OffboardControlMode messages drops below approximately 2Hz. 该行为在ROS 2 节点的主循环中实现的,如下所示:

auto timer_callback = [this]() -> void {

	if (offboard_setpoint_counter_ == 10) {
		// Change to Offboard mode after 10 setpoints
		this->publish_vehicle_command(VehicleCommand::VEHICLE_CMD_DO_SET_MODE, 1, 6);

		// Arm the vehicle

	// OffboardControlMode needs to be paired with TrajectorySetpoint

	// stop the counter after reaching 11
	if (offboard_setpoint_counter_ < 11) {
timer_ = this->create_wall_timer(100ms, timer_callback);

循环运行在一个100毫秒计时器。 For the first 10 cycles it calls publish_offboard_control_mode() and publish_trajectory_setpoint() to send OffboardControlMode and TrajectorySetpoint messages to PX4. The OffboardControlMode messages are streamed so that PX4 will allow arming once it switches to offboard mode, while the TrajectorySetpoint messages are ignored (until the vehicle is in offboard mode).

After 10 cycles publish_vehicle_command() is called to change to offboard mode, and arm() is called to arm the vehicle. 在飞行器解锁并和切换模式后,它将开始跟踪位置设定值。 在每个周期内仍然发送设定值,确保飞行器不会切换出offboard模式。

The implementations of the publish_offboard_control_mode() and publish_trajectory_setpoint() methods are shown below. These publish the OffboardControlMode and TrajectorySetpoint messages to PX4 (respectively).

The OffboardControlMode is required in order to inform PX4 of the type of offboard control behing used. Here we're only using position control, so the position field is set to true and all the other fields are set to false.

 * @brief Publish the offboard control mode.
 *        For this example, only position and altitude controls are active.
void OffboardControl::publish_offboard_control_mode()
	OffboardControlMode msg{};
	msg.position = true;
	msg.velocity = false;
	msg.acceleration = false;
	msg.attitude = false;
	msg.body_rate = false;
	msg.thrust_and_torque = false;
	msg.direct_actuator = false;
	msg.timestamp = this->get_clock()->now().nanoseconds() / 1000;

TrajectorySetpoint provides the position setpoint. In this case, the x, y, z and yaw fields are hardcoded to certain values, but they can be updated dynamically according to an algorithm or even by a subscription callback for messages coming from another node.

 * @brief Publish a trajectory setpoint
 *        For this example, it sends a trajectory setpoint to make the
 *        vehicle hover at 5 meters with a yaw angle of 180 degrees.
void OffboardControl::publish_trajectory_setpoint()
	TrajectorySetpoint msg{};
	msg.position = {0.0, 0.0, -5.0};
	msg.yaw = -3.14; // [-PI:PI]
	msg.timestamp = this->get_clock()->now().nanoseconds() / 1000;

The publish_vehicle_command() sends VehicleCommand messages with commands to the flight controller. We use it above to change the mode to offboard mode, and also in arm() to arm the vehicle. While we don't call disarm() in this example, it is also used in the implementation of that function.

 * @brief Publish vehicle commands
 * @param command   Command code (matches VehicleCommand and MAVLink MAV_CMD codes)
 * @param param1    Command parameter 1
 * @param param2    Command parameter 2
void OffboardControl::publish_vehicle_command(uint16_t command, float param1, float param2)
	VehicleCommand msg{};
	msg.param1 = param1;
	msg.param2 = param2;
	msg.command = command;
	msg.target_system = 1;
	msg.target_component = 1;
	msg.source_system = 1;
	msg.source_component = 1;
	msg.from_external = true;
	msg.timestamp = this->get_clock()->now().nanoseconds() / 1000;


VehicleCommand is one of the simplest and most powerful ways to command PX4, and by subscribing to VehicleCommandAck you can also confirm that setting a particular command was successful. The param and command fields map to MAVLink commands and their parameter values.

See Also