This list is auto-generated from the source code using the build command: make airframe_metadata
This page lists all supported airframes and types including the motor assignment and numbering. 绿色的为顺时针转动的电机,蓝色的为逆时针转动的电机。
AUX 通道可能在一些飞行控制器上不存在。 如果存在,PWM AUX 通道通常被标记为 AUX OUT。
常规输出接法 |
Name | |
Cloudship | Maintainer: John Doe <john@example.com>
常规输出接法 |
Name | |
ThunderFly Auto-G2 | Maintainer: ThunderFly s.r.o., Roman Dvorak <dvorakroman@thunderfly.cz>
Specific Outputs:
ThunderFly TF-G2 | Maintainer: ThunderFly s.r.o., Roman Dvorak <dvorakroman@thunderfly.cz>
Specific Outputs:
Name | |
ThunderFly balloon TF-B1 | Maintainer: ThunderFly s.r.o.
Dodecarotor cox
Name | |
Generic Dodecarotor cox geometry | Maintainer: William Peale <develop707@gmail.com>
Name | |
通用直升机(Tail ESC) | Maintainer: John Doe <john@example.com>
Hexarotor +
Name | |
Generic Hexarotor + geometry | Maintainer: Lorenz Meier <lorenz@px4.io>
Hexarotor Coaxial
常规输出接法 |
Name | |
Generic Hexarotor coaxial geometry | Maintainer: Lorenz Meier <lorenz@px4.io>
Hexarotor x
Name | |
Generic Hexarotor x geometry | Maintainer: Lorenz Meier <lorenz@px4.io>
UVify Draco-R | Maintainer: Hyon Lim <lim@uvify.com>
Octorotor +
Name | |
Generic Octocopter + geometry | Maintainer: Lorenz Meier <lorenz@px4.io>
Octorotor Coaxial
常规输出接法 |
Name | |
Generic 10" Octo coaxial geometry | Maintainer: Lorenz Meier <lorenz@px4.io>
Octorotor x
Name | |
Generic Octocopter X geometry | Maintainer: Lorenz Meier <lorenz@px4.io>
Quadrotor +
Name | |
Generic Quad + geometry | Maintainer: John Doe <john@example.com>
Quadrotor H
Name | |
BetaFPV Beta75X 2S Brushless Whoop | Maintainer: Beat Kueng <beat-kueng@gmx.net>
Quadrotor x
Name | |
Generic Quadcopter | Maintainer: Lorenz Meier <lorenz@px4.io>
S500 Generic | Maintainer: Lorenz Meier <lorenz@px4.io>
Holybro S500 | Maintainer: Lorenz Meier <lorenz@px4.io>
PX4 Vision Dev Kit v1 | Maintainer: John Doe <john@example.com>
NXP HoverGames | Maintainer: Iain Galloway <iain.galloway@nxp.com>
Holybro X500 V2 | Maintainer: Farhang Naderi <farhang.nba@gmail.com>
PX4 Vision Dev Kit v1.5 | Maintainer: John Doe <john@example.com>
Generic 250 Racer | Maintainer: Lorenz Meier <lorenz@px4.io>
HolyBro QAV250 | Maintainer: Beat Kueng <beat-kueng@gmx.net>
Holybro Kopis 2 | Maintainer: Beat Kueng <beat@px4.io>
Advanced Technology Labs (ATL) Mantis EDU |
UVify IFO | Maintainer: Hyon Lim <lim@uvify.com>
UVify IFO | Maintainer: Hyon Lim <lim@uvify.com>
COEX Clover 4 | Maintainer: Oleg Kalachev <okalachev@gmail.com>
Droneblocks DEXI 5 | Maintainer: Alex klimaj <alex@arkelectron.com>
Crazyflie 2.1 | Maintainer: Dennis Shtatov <densht@gmail.com>
Name | |
HIL Quadcopter X | Maintainer: Lorenz Meier <lorenz@px4.io>
SIH Quadcopter X | Maintainer: Romain Chiappinelli <romain.chiap@gmail.com>
Tricopter Y+
常规输出接法 |
Name | |
通用的带倾斜多旋翼 | Maintainer: John Doe <john@example.com>
Flying Wing
Name | |
Generic Flying Wing | Maintainer: John Doe <john@example.com>
Plane A-Tail
常规输出接法 |
Name | |
Applied Aeronautics Albatross | Maintainer: Andreas Antener <andreas@uaventure.com>
Name | |
SIH plane AERT | Maintainer: Romain Chiappinelli <romain.chiap@gmail.com>
Standard Plane
Name | |
通用标准飞机 | Maintainer: John Doe <john@example.com>
Name | |
Generic Rover Differential | Maintainer: John Doe <john@example.com>
Aion Robotics R1 UGV | Maintainer: John Doe <john@example.com>
Generic Rover Ackermann | Maintainer: John Doe <john@example.com>
Axial SCX10 2 Trail Honcho | Maintainer: John Doe <john@example.com>
Generic Ground Vehicle (Deprecated) |
Specific Outputs:
NXP Cup car: DF Robot GPX (Deprecated) | Maintainer: Katrin Moritz
Specific Outputs:
Underwater Robot
Underwater Robot
Name | |
Generic Underwater Robot | Maintainer: John Doe <john@example.com>
HippoCampus UUV (Unmanned Underwater Vehicle) | Maintainer: Daniel Duecker <daniel.duecker@tuhh.de>
Vectored 6 DOF UUV
常规输出接法 |
Name | |
BlueROV2 (Heavy Configuration) | Maintainer: Thies Lennart Alff <thies.lennart.alff@tuhh.de>
常规输出接法 |
Name | |
SIH Tailsitter Duo | Maintainer: Romain Chiappinelli <romain.chiap@gmail.com>
Standard VTOL
Name | |
HIL Standard VTOL QuadPlane | Maintainer: Roman Bapst <roman@auterion.com>
通用标准VTOL | Maintainer: John Doe <john@example.com>
Vertical Technologies DeltaQuad | Maintainer: Sander Smeets <sander@droneslab.com>
Specific Outputs:
BabyShark VTOL | Maintainer: Silvan Fuhrer <silvan@auterion.com>
Specific Outputs:
Name | |
通用立式垂直起落飞机 | Maintainer: John Doe <john@example.com>
VTOL Tiltrotor
Name | |
Generic Quadplane VTOL Tiltrotor |
通用倾转旋翼机 | Maintainer: John Doe <john@example.com>