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PX4 defines a number of standard tones/tunes that are used to provide audio notification for important system states and problems (e.g. system startup, arming success, battery warnings, etc.)

Tunes are specified using strings (in ANSI Music notation) and played by code using the tunes library. The tunes library also contains the list of default system tunes - see lib/tunes/tune_definition.desc.

PX4 还有一个模块可以用于播放(测试)默认或用户自定义音乐。



Tune strings are defined using ANSI Music notation.


More information about the format can be found in QBasic PLAY statement (Wikibooks) and has been reproduced in tune_definition.desc.

创建新调节的最简单方式是使用音乐编辑器。 这允许您编辑音乐并在您的电脑上播放, 然后导出为 PX4 可以播放的格式。

ANSI 音乐在 ANSI BBS 系统中很受欢迎,因此最好的编辑工具是 DOS 实用程序。 On Windows, one option is to use Melody Master within Dosbox.


  1. Download DosBox and install the app

  2. Download Melody Master and unzip into a new directory

  3. Open the Dosbox console

  4. 将 Melody 主目录挂载到 DosBox,如下:

    mount c C:\<path_to_directory\Melody21
  5. Start Melody Master with the following commands

  6. You will then have the option to click through a few screens, then press 1 to display Melody Master: Melody Master 2.1

    屏幕的下半部分提供了关于键盘快捷键的实用工具(箭头用于移动, 和选择笔记长度的数字等)。

  7. 当您准备好时保存音乐:

    • Press F2 to give the tune a name and save it in the /Music sub folder of your Melody Master installation.
    • Press F7, the scroll down the list of output formats on the right to get to ANSI. The file will be exported to the root of the Melody Master directory (with the same name and a file-type specific extension).
  8. 打开文件。 输出可能看起来像这样:

    ANSI Output from file

  9. The string that can be played in PX4 is the bit between MNT and P64: 150L1O3DL16CL32<B>C<AEL16A


When you're ready to try it out a new tune on PX4, use the tune_control library. For example, to test the tune we "created" above you would enter the following command on a console or shell (e.g. the MAVLink Shell):

tune_control play -m "150L1O3DL16CL32<B>C<AEL16A"


Out of the box, the tune_control is only present on real hardware (not the simulator).


Tunes are defined within tune_definition.desc.

If you just need to replace an existing tune, then you can replace the file in your own fork, and update the tune strings defined in PX4_DEFINE_TUNE.

