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ROS得益于一个活跃的生态系统,在这个生态系统里,开发者会解决常见的机器人问题,他们也有权使用为Linux编写的其他软件库。 例如,它已被用作PX4计算机视觉解决方案的一部分,包括自主避障防撞


tip ROS 2 is the "latest and greatest" version of ROS. The PX4 development team recommend that all users upgrade to ROS 2!



  • ROS 2: (Recommended) PX4 and ROS 2 communicate over the PX4-ROS 2 bridge, an interface that provides a direct bridge between PX4 uORB messages and ROS 2 DDS messages/types. 这允许实时地从ROS2工作流和节点直接访问PX4内部
  • **ROS1通过MAVROS:**PX4和ROS1通过MAVLink通信,使用MAVROS包将ROS主题连接到MAVLink

ROS 2 can be installed on Ubuntu Linux, macOS, Windows, while ROS 1 is only available on Linux. 虽然它可以在其他平台上工作,但PX4主要在_Linux_上测试和记录ROS

Note that ROS 2 can also connect with PX4 using MAVROS (instead of XRCE-DDS). This option is supported by the MAVROS project (not PX4).


Unveiled at the PX4 Developer Summit 2020 (and ROS World 2020), the PX4 Development team, announced the plans to support microROS.

  • microRTPS: 具有快速DDS的microRTPS桥接 (PX4 v1.13 及更早版本的ROS 2 接口)
  • micro XRCE-DDS: PX4上的DDS(PX4 v1.14及更高版本的ROS 2 接口)
  • micro ROS: 在PX4上运行的ROS 2 - "microROS" (我们的目标!)