기체 프레임 정의서
This list is auto-generated from the source code using the build command: make airframe_metadata
이 페이지에서 모터 할당와 번호 지정을 포함하여 모든 지원 기체 유형을 기술합니다. The motors in green rotate clockwise, the ones in blue counterclockwise.
AUX channels may not be present on some flight controllers. If present, PWM AUX channels are commonly labelled AUX OUT.
2D Space Robot
Space Robot
명칭 | |
KTH Space Robot | Maintainer: DISCOWER
공통 출력 |
명칭 | |
클라우드쉽 | 유지보수: John Doe <john@example.com>
공통 출력 |
명칭 | |
ThunderFly Auto-G2 | 유지보수: ThunderFly s.r.o., Roman Dvorak <dvorakroman@thunderfly.cz>
Specific Outputs:
ThunderFly TF-G2 | 유지보수: ThunderFly s.r.o., Roman Dvorak <dvorakroman@thunderfly.cz>
Specific Outputs:
명칭 | |
ThunderFly balloon TF-B1 | 유지보수: ThunderFly s.r.o.
Dodecarotor cox
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Generic Dodecarotor cox geometry | 유지보수: William Peale <develop707@gmail.com>
명칭 | |
Generic Helicopter (Tail ESC) | 유지보수: John Doe <john@example.com>
헥사로터 +
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Generic Hexarotor + geometry | 유지보수: Lorenz Meier <lorenz@px4.io>
동축 헥사로터
공통 출력 |
명칭 | |
Generic Hexarotor coaxial geometry | 유지보수: Lorenz Meier <lorenz@px4.io>
X형 헥사로터
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Generic Hexarotor x geometry | 유지보수: Lorenz Meier <lorenz@px4.io>
UVify Draco-R | 유지보수: Hyon Lim <lim@uvify.com>
Octorotor +
명칭 | |
Generic Octocopter + geometry | 유지보수: Lorenz Meier <lorenz@px4.io>
옥토콥터 동축
공통 출력 |
명칭 | |
Generic 10" Octo coaxial geometry | 유지보수: Lorenz Meier <lorenz@px4.io>
옥토콥터 X형
명칭 | |
일반 옥타콥터 X 기하 구조 | 유지보수: Lorenz Meier <lorenz@px4.io>
쿼드로터 +
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Generic Quad + geometry | 유지보수: John Doe <john@example.com>
쿼드로터 H
명칭 | |
BetaFPV Beta75X 2S Brushless Whoop | 유지보수: Beat Kueng <beat-kueng@gmx.net>
쿼드로터 x
명칭 | |
일반 쿼드콥터 | 유지보수: Lorenz Meier <lorenz@px4.io>
S500 Generic | 유지보수: Lorenz Meier <lorenz@px4.io>
Holybro S500 | 유지보수: Lorenz Meier <lorenz@px4.io>
PX4 Vision Dev Kit v1 | 유지보수: John Doe <john@example.com>
NXP HoverGames | 유지보수: Iain Galloway <iain.galloway@nxp.com>
Holybro X500 V2 | 유지보수: Farhang Naderi <farhang.nba@gmail.com>
PX4 Vision Dev Kit v1.5 | 유지보수: John Doe <john@example.com>
일반 250 레이서 | 유지보수: Lorenz Meier <lorenz@px4.io>
HolyBro QAV250 | 유지보수: Beat Kueng <beat-kueng@gmx.net>
홀리브로 코피스 2 | 유지보수: Beat Kueng <beat@px4.io>
Advanced Technology Labs (ATL) Mantis EDU |
UVify IFO | 유지보수: Hyon Lim <lim@uvify.com>
UVify IFO | 유지보수: Hyon Lim <lim@uvify.com>
COEX Clover 4 | 유지보수: Oleg Kalachev <okalachev@gmail.com>
Droneblocks DEXI 5 | Maintainer: Alex klimaj <alex@arkelectron.com>
Crazyflie 2.1 | 유지보수: Dennis Shtatov <densht@gmail.com>
명칭 | |
HIL 쿼드콥터 X | 유지보수: Lorenz Meier <lorenz@px4.io>
SIH Quadcopter X | 유지보수: Romain Chiappinelli <romain.chiap@gmail.com>
트리콥터 Y+
공통 출력 |
명칭 | |
Generic Multirotor with tilt | 유지보수: John Doe <john@example.com>
플라잉 윙
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Generic Flying Wing | 유지보수: John Doe <john@example.com>
고정익 A-Tail
공통 출력 |
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적용된 에어로노틱스 알바트로스 | 유지보수: Andreas Antener <andreas@uaventure.com>
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SIH plane AERT | 유지보수: Romain Chiappinelli <romain.chiap@gmail.com>
표준 항공기
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Generic Standard Plane | 유지보수: John Doe <john@example.com>
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Generic Rover Differential | 유지보수: John Doe <john@example.com>
Aion Robotics R1 UGV | 유지보수: John Doe <john@example.com>
Generic Rover Ackermann | 유지보수: John Doe <john@example.com>
Axial SCX10 2 Trail Honcho | 유지보수: John Doe <john@example.com>
Generic Rover Mecanum | 유지보수: John Doe <john@example.com>
Generic Ground Vehicle (Deprecated) |
Specific Outputs:
NXP Cup car: DF Robot GPX (Deprecated) | 유지보수: Katrin Moritz
Specific Outputs:
수중 로봇
수중 로봇
명칭 | |
일반 수중 로봇 | 유지보수: John Doe <john@example.com>
HippoCampus UUV (무인 수중선) | 유지보수: Daniel Duecker <daniel.duecker@tuhh.de>
Vectored 6 DOF UUV
공통 출력 |
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BlueROV2 (Heavy Configuration) | 유지보수: Thies Lennart Alff <thies.lennart.alff@tuhh.de>
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SIH Tailsitter Duo | 유지보수: Romain Chiappinelli <romain.chiap@gmail.com>
Specific Outputs:
SIH Standard VTOL QuadPlane | 유지보수: John Doe <john@example.com>
Specific Outputs:
명칭 | |
HIL 표준 VTOL QuadPlane | 유지보수: Roman Bapst <roman@auterion.com>
Specific Outputs:
Generic Standard VTOL | 유지보수: John Doe <john@example.com>
VTOL Tailsitter
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Generic VTOL Tailsitter | 유지보수: John Doe <john@example.com>
VTOL 틸트로터
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일반 쿼드플레인 수직이착륙기 |
Generic Tiltrotor VTOL | 유지보수: John Doe <john@example.com>