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이 절에서는 핵심 개발팀과 커뮤니티의 지원을 받는 방법을 알려드립니다.

포럼 및 채팅

The core development team and community are active on the following channels:

  • PX4 Discuss Forum - Post here first!
  • PX4 Discord - Post here if you don't get a response in discuss within a few days (include a link to your forum topic).


The Discuss Forum is much preferred because it is indexed by search engines and serves as a common knowledge base.

문제 진단

문제의 원인이 무엇인지 확실하지 않고 문제 분석의 도움을 원하시면,

Issue & Bug Reporting

  • Upload logs to Flight Log Review
  • Open a Github Issue. This must include a flight report with as much detail as possible (enough for the issue to be reproduced) and links to your logs on Flight review.

주간 온라인 개발자 회의


Developers are most welcome to attend the weekly dev call (and other developer events) to engage more deeply with the project.

The Dev Call is a weekly meeting attended by the PX4 dev team to discuss platform technical details, coordinate activities and perform in-depth analysis.

There is also space in the agenda to discuss pull requests, major impacting issues and Q&A.