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자이로스코프 보정

QGroundControl will guide you to place the vehicle on a flat surface and keep it still.

보정 절차

보정 절차는 다음과 같습니다:

  1. Start QGroundControl and connect the vehicle.

  2. Select "Q" icon > Vehicle Setup > Sensors (sidebar) to open Sensor Setup.

  3. Click the Gyroscope sensor button.

    Select Gyroscope calibration PX4

  4. 기체을 평탄한 곳에 놓습니다.

  5. Click Ok to start the calibration.

    상단의 Progressive Bar에서 진행 상황을 나타냅니다.

    Gyro calibration in progress on PX4

  6. When finished, QGroundControl will display a progress bar Calibration completeGyro calibration complete on PX4


If you move the vehicle QGroundControl will automatically restart the gyroscope calibration.

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