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NuttX 보드 포팅 가이드

NuttX의 PX4를 포팅하려면, 하드웨어가 NuttX를 지원하여야 합니다. The NuttX project maintains an excellent porting guide for porting NuttX to a new computing platform.

The following guide assumes you are using an already supported hardware target or have ported NuttX (including the PX4 base layer) already.

The configuration files for all boards, including linker scripts and other required settings, are located under /boards in a vendor- and board-specific directory (i.e. boards/VENDOR/MODEL/).

The following example uses FMUv5 as it is a recent reference configuration for NuttX based flight controllers:

NuttX 메뉴 구성 설정

To modify the NuttX OS configuration, you can use menuconfig using the PX4 shortcuts:

make px4_fmu-v5_default menuconfig
make px4_fmu-v5_default qconfig

For fresh installs of PX4 onto Ubuntu using you will also need to install kconfig tools from NuttX tools.


The following steps are not required if using the px4-dev-nuttx docker container or have installed to macOS using our normal instructions (as these includekconfig-mconf).

임의의 디렉터리에서 다음 명령어를 실행합니다.

git clone
cd tools/kconfig-frontends
sudo apt install gperf
./configure --enable-mconf --disable-nconf --disable-gconf --enable-qconf --prefix=/usr
sudo make install

The --prefix=/usr determines the specific installation location (which must be in the PATH environment variable). The --enable-mconf and --enable-qconf options will enable the menuconfig and qconfig options respectively.

To run qconfig you may need to install additional Qt dependencies.


먼저 하드웨어 대상에 적합한 부트로더가 필요합니다.

펌웨어 포팅 단계

  1. Make sure you have a working development setup and installed the NuttX `menuconfig`` tool (see above).

  2. 소스 코드를 다운로드하고 기존 대상을 빌드할 수 있는 지 확인합니다.

    git clone --recursive
    cd PX4-Autopilot
    make px4_fmu-v5
  3. 동일한(또는 유사한) CPU 유형을 사용하는 기존 대상을 복사합니다. 예: STM32F7의 경우

    mkdir boards/manufacturer
    cp -r boards/px4/fmu-v5 boards/manufacturer/my-target-v1

    Change manufacturer to the manufacturer name and my-target-v1 to your board name.

Next you need to go through all files under boards/manufacturer/my-target-v1 and update them according to your board.

  1. firmware.prototype: update the board ID and name
  2. default.px4board: update the VENDOR and MODEL to match the directory names (my-target-v1). 직렬 포트를 설정합니다.
  3. Configure NuttX (defconfig) via make manufacturer_my-target-v1 menuconfig: Adjust the CPU and chip, configure the peripherals (UART's, SPI, I2C, ADC).
  4. nuttx-config/include/board.h: Configure the NuttX pins. 여러 가지 핀 옵션이 있는 주변 장치에서는 NuttX는 핀 정보을 알아야 합니다. They are defined in the chip-specific pinmap header file, for example stm32f74xx75xx_pinmap.h.
  5. src: go through all files under src and update them as needed, in particular board_config.h.
  6. init/rc.board_sensors: start the sensors that are attached to the board.