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비행 기록

PX4는 성능 분석을 위하여 상세한 항공기 상태 데이터와 센서 데이터를 로그 파일에 기록합니다. 로그 파일 다운로드, 분석, 검토 및 개발 팀과 공유하는 방법을 설명합니다.


Keeping flight logs is a legal requirement in some jurisdictions.

비행 콘트롤러에서 로그 다운로드

Logs can be downloaded using QGroundControl: Analyze View > Log Download.

Flight Log Download

로그 분석

Upload the log file to the online Flight Review tool. After upload you'll be emailed a link to the analysis page for the log.

Log Analysis using Flight Review explains how to interpret the plots, and can help you to verify/reject the causes of common problems: excessive vibration, poor PID tuning, saturated controllers, imbalanced vehicles, GPS noise, etc.


There are many other great tools for visualising and analysing PX4 Logs. For more information see: Flight Analysis.


If you have a constant high-rate MAVLink connection to the vehicle (not just a telemetry link) then you can use QGroundControl to automatically upload logs directly to Flight Review. For more information see Settings > MAVLink Settings > MAVLink 2 Logging (PX4 only).

PX4 개발자가 검토할 로그 파일 공유

The Flight Review log file link can be shared for discussion in the support forums or a Github issue.

로그 설정

The logging system is configured by default to collect sensible logs for use with Flight Review.

Logging may further be configured using the SD Logging parameters or with a file on the SD card. Details on configuration can be found in the logging configuration documentation.

주요 링크