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uORB Message Reference


This list is auto-generated from the source code.

This topic lists the UORB messages available in PX4 (some of which may be may be shared by the PX4-ROS 2 Bridge).

Versioned messages track changes to their definitions, with each modification resulting in a version increment. These messages are most likely shared through the PX4-ROS 2 Bridge.

Graphs showing how these are used can be found here.

Versioned Messages

  • ActuatorMotors — Motor control message
  • ActuatorServos — Servo control message
  • ArmingCheckReply
  • ArmingCheckRequest
  • BatteryStatus
  • ConfigOverrides — Configurable overrides by (external) modes or mode executors
  • GotoSetpoint — Position and (optional) heading setpoints with corresponding speed constraints Setpoints are intended as inputs to position and heading smoothers, respectively Setpoints do not need to be kinematically consistent Optional heading setpoints may be specified as controlled by the respective flag Unset optional setpoints are not controlled Unset optional constraints default to vehicle specifications
  • HomePosition — GPS home position in WGS84 coordinates.
  • ManualControlSetpoint
  • ModeCompleted — Mode completion result, published by an active mode. The possible values of nav_state are defined in the VehicleStatus msg. Note that this is not always published (e.g. when a user switches modes or on failsafe activation)
  • RegisterExtComponentReply
  • RegisterExtComponentRequest — Request to register an external component
  • TrajectorySetpoint — Trajectory setpoint in NED frame Input to PID position controller. Needs to be kinematically consistent and feasible for smooth flight. setting a value to NaN means the state should not be controlled
  • UnregisterExtComponent
  • VehicleAngularVelocity
  • VehicleAttitude — This is similar to the mavlink message ATTITUDE_QUATERNION, but for onboard use The quaternion uses the Hamilton convention, and the order is q(w, x, y, z)
  • VehicleAttitudeSetpoint
  • VehicleCommand — Vehicle Command uORB message. Used for commanding a mission / action / etc. Follows the MAVLink COMMAND_INT / COMMAND_LONG definition
  • VehicleCommandAck — Vehicle Command Ackonwledgement uORB message. Used for acknowledging the vehicle command being received. Follows the MAVLink COMMAND_ACK message definition
  • VehicleControlMode
  • VehicleGlobalPosition — Fused global position in WGS84. This struct contains global position estimation. It is not the raw GPS measurement (@see vehicle_gps_position). This topic is usually published by the position estimator, which will take more sources of information into account than just GPS, e.g. control inputs of the vehicle in a Kalman-filter implementation.
  • VehicleLandDetected
  • VehicleLocalPosition — Fused local position in NED. The coordinate system origin is the vehicle position at the time when the EKF2-module was started.
  • VehicleOdometry — Vehicle odometry data. Fits ROS REP 147 for aerial vehicles
  • VehicleRatesSetpoint
  • VehicleStatus — Encodes the system state of the vehicle published by commander
  • VtolVehicleStatus — VEHICLE_VTOL_STATE, should match 1:1 MAVLinks's MAV_VTOL_STATE

Unversioned Messages