MAVLink 메시징
MAVLink is a very lightweight messaging protocol that has been designed for the drone ecosystem.
PX4 uses MAVLink to communicate with ground stations and MAVLink SDKs, such as QGroundControl and MAVSDK, and as the integration mechanism for connecting to drone components outside of the flight controller: companion computers, MAVLink enabled cameras, and so on.
This topic provides a brief overview of fundamental MAVLink concepts, such as messages, commands, and microservices. It also provides tutorial instructions for how you can add PX4 support for:
- Streaming MAVLink messages
- Handling incoming MAVLink messages and writing to a uORB topic.
The topic does not cover command handling and sending, or how to implement your own microservices.
MAVLink Overview
MAVLink is a lightweight protocol that was designed for efficiently sending messages over unreliable low-bandwidth radio links.
Messages are simplest and most "fundamental" definition in MAVLink, consisting of a name (e.g. ATTITUDE), id, and fields containing relevant data. They are deliberately lightweight, with a constrained size, and no semantics for resending and acknowledgement. Stand-alone messages are commonly used for streaming telemetry or status information, and for sending commands where no acknowledgement is required - such as setpoint commands sent at high rate.
The Command Protocol is a higher level protocol for sending commands that may need acknowledgement. Specific commands are defined as values of the MAV_CMD enumeration, such as the takeoff command MAV_CMD_NAV_TAKEOFF, and include up to 7 numeric "param" values. The protocol sends a command by packaging the parameter values in a COMMAND_INT
message, and waits for an acknowledgement with a result in a COMMAND_ACK
. The command is resent automatically if no acknowledgment is received. Note that MAV_CMD definitions are also used to define mission actions, and that not all definitions are supported for use in commands/missions on PX4.
Microservices are other higher level protocols built on top of MAVLink messages. They are used to communicate information that cannot be sent in a single message, and to deliver features such as reliable communication. The command protocol described above is one such service. Others include the File Transfer Protocol, Camera Protocol and Mission Protocol.
MAVLink messages, commands and enumerations are defined in XML definition files. The MAVLink toolchain includes code generators that create programming-language-specific libraries from these definitions for sending and receiving messages. Note that most generated libraries do not create code to implement microservices.
The MAVLink project standardizes a number of messages, commands, enumerations, and microservices, for exchanging data using the following definition files (note that higher level files include the definitions of the files below them):
- development.xml — Definitions that are proposed to be part of the standard. The definitions move to
if accepted following testing. - common.xml — A "library" of definitions meeting many common UAV use cases. These are supported by many flight stacks, ground stations, and MAVLink peripherals. Flight stacks that use these definitions are more likely to interoperate.
- standard.xml — Definitions that are actually standard. They are present on the vast majority of flight stacks and implemented in the same way.
- minimal.xml — Definitions required by a minimal MAVLink implementation.
The project also hosts dialect XML definitions, which contain MAVLink definitions that are specific to a flight stack or other stakeholder.
The protocol relies on each end of the communication having a shared definition of what messages are being sent. What this means is that in order to communicate both ends of the communication must use libraries generated from the same XML definition.
PX4 and MAVLink
PX4 releases build common.xml
MAVLink definitions by default, for the greatest compatibility with MAVLink ground stations, libraries, and external components such as MAVLink cameras. In the main
branch, these are included from development.xml
on SITL, and common.xml
for other boards.
To be part of a PX4 release, any MAVLink definitions that you use must be in common.xml
(or included files such as standard.xml
and minimal.xml
). During development you can use definitions in development.xml
. You will need to work with the MAVLink team to define and contribute these definitions.
PX4 includes the mavlink/mavlink repo as a submodule under /src/modules/mavlink. This contains XML definition files in /mavlink/messages/1.0/.
The build toolchain generates the MAVLink 2 C header files at build time. The XML file for which headers files are generated may be defined in the PX4 kconfig board configuration on a per-board basis, using the variable CONFIG_MAVLINK_DIALECT
- For SITL
is set todevelopment
in boards/px4/sitl/default.px4board. You can change this to any other definition file, but the file must includecommon.xml
. - For other boards
is not set by default, and PX4 builds the definitions incommon.xml
(these are build into the mavlink module by default — search formenuconfig MAVLINK_DIALECT
in src/modules/mavlink/Kconfig).
The files are generated into the build directory: /build/<build target>/mavlink/
Custom MAVLink Messages
A custom MAVLink message is one that isn't in the default definitions included into PX4.
If you use a custom definition you will need maintain the definition in PX4, your ground station, and any other SDKs that communicate with it. Generally you should use (or add to) the standard definitions if at all possible to reduce the maintenance burden.
Custom definitions can be added in a new dialect file in the same directory as the standard XML definitions. For example, create PX4-Autopilot/src/modules/mavlink/mavlink/message_definitions/v1.0/custom_messages.xml
to build the new file for SITL. This dialect file should include development.xml
so that all the standard definitions are also included.
For initial prototyping, or if you intend your message to be "standard", you can also add your messages to common.xml
(or development.xml
). This simplifies building, because you don't need to modify the dialect that is built.
The MAVLink developer guide explains how to define new messages in How to Define MAVLink Messages & Enums.
You can check that your new messages are built by inspecting the headers generated in the build directory (/build/<build target>/mavlink/
). If your messages are not built they may be incorrectly formatted, or use clashing ids. Inspect the build log for information.
Once the message is being built you can stream, receive, or otherwise use it, as described in the following sections.
The MAVLink Developer guide has more information about using the MAVLink toolchain.
Streaming MAVLink Messages
MAVLink messages are streamed using a streaming class, derived from MavlinkStream
, that has been added to the PX4 stream list. The class has framework methods that you implement so PX4 can get information it needs from the generated MAVLink message definition. It also has a send()
method that is called each time the message needs to be sent — you override this to copy information from a uORB subscription to the MAVLink message object that is to be sent.
This tutorial demonstrates how to stream a uORB message as a MAVLink message, and applies to both standard and custom messages.
전제 조건
Generally you will already have a uORB message that contains information you'd like to stream and a definition of a MAVLink message that you'd like to stream it with.
For this example we're going to assume that you want to stream the (existing) BatteryStatus uORB message to a new MAVLink battery status message, which we will name BATTERY_STATUS_DEMO
message into the message section of development.xml
in your PX4 source code, which will be located at: \src\modules\mavlink\mavlink\message_definitions\v1.0\development.xml
<message id="11514" name="BATTERY_STATUS_DEMO">
<description>Simple demo battery.</description>
<field type="uint8_t" name="id" instance="true">Battery ID</field>
<field type="int16_t" name="temperature" units="cdegC" invalid="INT16_MAX">Temperature of the whole battery pack (not internal electronics). INT16_MAX field not provided.</field>
<field type="uint8_t" name="percent_remaining" units="%" invalid="UINT8_MAX">Remaining battery energy. Values: [0-100], UINT8_MAX: field not provided.</field>
Note that this is a cut-down version of the not-yet-implemented BATTERY_STATUS_V2 message with randomly chosen unused id of 11514
. Here we've put the message in development.xml
, which is fine for testing and if the message is intended to eventually be part of the standard message set, but you might also put a custom message in its own dialect file.
Build PX4 for SITL and confirm that the associated message is generated in /build/px4_sitl_default/mavlink/development/mavlink_msg_battery_status_demo.h
Because BatteryStatus
already exists you will not need to do anything to create or build it.
Define the Streaming Class
First create a file named BATTERY_STATUS_DEMO.hpp
for your streaming class (named after the message to stream) inside the /src/modules/mavlink/streams directory.
Add the headers for the uORB message(s) to the top of the file (the required MAVLink headers should already be available):
#include <uORB/topics/battery_status.h>
The uORB topic's snake-case header file is generated from the CamelCase uORB filename at build time.
Then copy the streaming class definition below into the file:
class MavlinkStreamBatteryStatusDemo : public MavlinkStream
static MavlinkStream *new_instance(Mavlink *mavlink)
return new MavlinkStreamBatteryStatusDemo(mavlink);
const char *get_name() const
return MavlinkStreamBatteryStatusDemo::get_name_static();
static const char *get_name_static()
static uint16_t get_id_static()
uint16_t get_id()
return get_id_static();
unsigned get_size()
//Subscription to array of uORB battery status instances
uORB::SubscriptionMultiArray<battery_status_s, battery_status_s::MAX_INSTANCES> _battery_status_subs{ORB_ID::battery_status};
// SubscriptionMultiArray subscription is needed because battery has multiple instances.
// uORB::Subscription is used to subscribe to a single-instance topic
/* do not allow top copying this class */
MavlinkStreamBatteryStatusDemo(MavlinkStreamBatteryStatusDemo &);
MavlinkStreamBatteryStatusDemo& operator = (const MavlinkStreamBatteryStatusDemo &);
explicit MavlinkStreamBatteryStatusDemo(Mavlink *mavlink) : MavlinkStream(mavlink)
bool send() override
bool updated = false;
// Loop through _battery_status_subs (subscription to array of BatteryStatus instances)
for (auto &battery_sub : _battery_status_subs) {
// battery_status_s is a struct that can hold the battery object topic
battery_status_s battery_status;
// Update battery_status and publish only if the status has changed
if (battery_sub.update(&battery_status)) {
// mavlink_battery_status_demo_t is the MAVLink message object
mavlink_battery_status_demo_t bat_msg{}; = - 1;
bat_msg.percent_remaining = (battery_status.connected) ? roundf(battery_status.remaining * 100.f) : -1;
// check if temperature valid
if (battery_status.connected && PX4_ISFINITE(battery_status.temperature)) {
bat_msg.temperature = battery_status.temperature * 100.f;
} else {
bat_msg.temperature = INT16_MAX;
//Send the message
mavlink_msg_battery_status_demo_send_struct(_mavlink->get_channel(), &bat_msg);
updated = true;
return updated;
Most streaming classes are very similar (see examples in /src/modules/mavlink/streams):
The streaming class derives from
and is named using the patternMavlinkStream<CamelCaseMessageName>
definitions are "near-boilerplate", allowing PX4 to get an instance of the class (new_instance()
), and then to use it to fetch the name, id, and size of the message from the MAVLink headers (get_name()
). For your own streaming classes these can just be copied and modified to match the values for your MAVLink message.The
definitions subscribe to the uORB topics that need to be published. In this case the uORB topic has multiple instances: one for each battery. We useuORB::SubscriptionMultiArray
to get an array of battery status subscriptions.
Here we also define constructors to prevent the definition being copied.
- The
section is where the important work takes place!
Here we override the send()
method, copying values from the subscribed uORB topic(s) into appropriate fields in the MAVLink message, and then send the message.
In this particular example we have an array of uORB instances _battery_status_subs
(because we have multiple batteries). We iterate the array and use update()
on each subscription to check if the associated battery instance has changed (and update a structure with the current data). This allows us to send the MAVLink message only if the associated battery uORB topic has changed:
// Struct to hold current topic data.
battery_status_s battery_status;
// update() populates battery_status and returns true if the status has changed
if (battery_sub.update(&battery_status)) {
// Use battery_status to populate message and send
If wanted to send a MAVLink message whether or not the data changed, we could instead use copy()
as shown:
battery_status_s battery_status;
For a single-instance topic like VehicleStatus we would subscribe like this:
// Create subscription _vehicle_status_sub
uORB::Subscription _vehicle_status_sub{ORB_ID(vehicle_status)};
And we could use the resulting subscription in the same way with update or copy.
vehicle_status_s vehicle_status{}; // vehicle_status_s is the definition of the uORB topic
if (_vehicle_status_sub.update(&vehicle_status)) {
// Use the vehicle_status as it has been updated.
Next we include our new class in mavlink_messages.cpp. Add the line below to the part of the file where all the other streams are included:
#include "streams/BATTERY_STATUS_DEMO.hpp"
Finally append the stream class to the streams_list
at the bottom of mavlink_messages.cpp
StreamListItem *streams_list[] = {
The class is now available for streaming, but won't be streamed by default. We cover that in the next sections.
Streaming by Default
The easiest way to stream your messages by default (as part of a build) is to add them to mavlink_main.cpp in the appropriate message group.
If you search in the file you'll find groups of messages defined in a switch statement:
: Streamed to a companion computer on a fast link, such as EthernetMAVLINK_MODE_ONBOARD_LOW_BANDWIDTH
: Streamed to a companion computer for re-routing to a reduced-traffic link, such as a GCS.MAVLINK_MODE_GIMBAL
: Streamed to a gimbalMAVLINK_MODE_EXTVISION
: Streamed to an external vision systemMAVLINK_MODE_EXTVISIONMIN
: Streamed to an external vision system on a slower linkMAVLINK_MODE_OSD
: Streamed to an OSD, such as an FPV headset.MAVLINK_MODE_CUSTOM
: Stream nothing by default. Used when configuring streaming using MAVLink.MAVLINK_MODE_MAGIC
: Streaming over USB with higher rates thanMAVLINK_MODE_NORMAL
: Stream a minimal set of messages. Normally used for poor telemetry links.MAVLINK_MODE_IRIDIUM
: Streamed to an iridium satellite phone
Normally you'll be testing on a GCS, so you could just add the message to the MAVLINK_MODE_NORMAL
case using the configure_stream_local()
method. For example, to stream CA_TRAJECTORY at 5 Hz:
// Note: streams requiring low latency come first
configure_stream_local("BATTERY_STATUS_DEMO", 5.0f);
It is also possible to add a stream by calling the mavlink module with the stream
argument in a startup script. For example, you might add the following line to /ROMFS/px4fmu_common/init.d-posix/px4-rc.mavlink in order to stream BATTERY_STATUS_DEMO
at 50Hz on UDP port 14556
configures the streaming rate and -u
identifies the MAVLink channel on UDP port 14556).
mavlink stream -r 50 -s BATTERY_STATUS_DEMO -u 14556
Streaming on Request
Some messages are only needed once, when particular hardware is connected, or under other circumstances. In order to avoid clogging communications links with messages that aren't needed you may not stream all messages by default, even at low rate.
If you needed, a GCS or other MAVLink API can request that particular messages are streamed at a particular rate using MAV_CMD_SET_MESSAGE_INTERVAL. A particular message can be requested just once using MAV_CMD_REQUEST_MESSAGE.
Receiving MAVLink Messages
This section explains how to receive a message over MAVLink and publish it to uORB.
It assumes that we are receiving the BATTERY_STATUS_DEMO
message and we want to update the (existing) BatteryStatus uORB message with the contained information. This is the kind of implementation that you would provide to support a MAVLink battery integration with PX4.
Add the headers for the uORB topic to publish to in mavlink_receiver.h:
#include <uORB/topics/battery_status.h>
Add a function signature for a function that handles the incoming MAVLink message in the MavlinkReceiver
class in mavlink_receiver.h
void handle_message_battery_status_demo(mavlink_message_t *msg);
Normally you would add a uORB publisher for the uORB topic to publish in the MavlinkReceiver
class in mavlink_receiver.h. In this case the BatteryStatus uORB topic already exists:
uORB::Publication<battery_status_s> _battery_pub{ORB_ID(battery_status)};
This creates a publication to a single uORB topic instance, which by default will be the first instance.
This implementation won't work on multi-battery systems, because several batteries might be publishing data to the first instance of the topic, and there is no way to differentiate them. To support multiple batteries we'd need to use PublicationMulti
and map the MAVLink message instance IDs to specific uORB topic instances.
Implement the handle_message_battery_status_demo
function in mavlink_receiver.cpp.
MavlinkReceiver::handle_message_battery_status_demo(mavlink_message_t *msg)
if ((msg->sysid != mavlink_system.sysid) || (msg->compid == mavlink_system.compid)) {
// ignore battery status coming from other systems or from the autopilot itself
// external battery measurements
mavlink_battery_status_t battery_mavlink;
mavlink_msg_battery_status_decode(msg, &battery_mavlink);
battery_status_s battery_status{};
battery_status.timestamp = hrt_absolute_time();
battery_status.remaining = (float)battery_mavlink.battery_remaining / 100.0f;
battery_status.temperature = (float)battery_mavlink.temperature;
battery_status.connected = true;
Above we only write to the battery fields that are defined in the topic. In practice you'd update all fields with either valid or invalid values: this has been cut back for brevity.
and finally make sure it is called in MavlinkReceiver::handle_message()
MavlinkReceiver::handle_message(mavlink_message_t *msg)
switch (msg->msgid) {
사용자 지정 MAVLink 메시지 생성에 대한 대안
Sometimes there is the need for a custom MAVLink message with content that is not fully defined.
For example when using MAVLink to interface PX4 with an embedded device, the messages that are exchanged between the autopilot and the device may go through several iterations before they are stabilized. In this case, it can be time-consuming and error-prone to regenerate the MAVLink headers, and make sure both devices use the same version of the protocol.
An alternative - and temporary - solution is to re-purpose debug messages. Instead of creating a custom MAVLink message CA_TRAJECTORY
, you can send a message DEBUG_VECT
with the string key CA_TRAJ
and data in the x
, y
and z
fields. See this tutorial for an example usage of debug messages.
This solution is not efficient as it sends character string over the network and involves comparison of strings. It should be used for development only!
As a first step, and while debugging, commonly you'll just want to confirm that any messages you've created are being sent/received as you expect.
You should should first use the uorb top [<message_name>]
command to verify in real-time that your message is published and the rate (see uORB Messaging). This approach can also be used to test incoming messages that publish a uORB topic (for other messages you might use printf
in your code and test in SITL).
There are several approaches you can use to view MAVLink traffic:
- Create a Wireshark MAVLink plugin for your dialect. This allows you to inspect MAVLink traffic on an IP interface - for example between QGroundControl or MAVSDK and your real or simulated version of PX4.
It is much easier to generate a wireshark plugin and inspect traffic in Wireshark, than to rebuild QGroundControl with your dialect and use MAVLink Inspector.
Log uORB topics associate with your MAVLink message.
View received messages in the QGroundControl MAVLink Inspector. You will need to rebuild QGroundControl with the custom message definitions, as described below
Set Streaming Rate using a Shell
For testing, it is sometimes useful to increase the streaming rate of individual topics at runtime (e.g. for inspection in QGC). This can be achieved using by calling the mavlink module through the QGC MAVLink console (or some other shell):
mavlink stream -u <port number> -s <mavlink topic name> -r <rate>
You can get the port number with mavlink status
which will output (amongst others) transport protocol: UDP (<port number>)
. An example would be:
mavlink stream -u 14556 -s CA_TRAJECTORY -r 300
Updating Ground Stations
Ultimately you'll want to use your new MAVLink interface by providing the corresponding ground station or MAVSDK implementation.
The important thing to remember here is that MAVLink requires that you use a version of the library that is built to the same definition (XML file). So if you have created a custom message in PX4 you won't be able to use it unless you build QGC or MAVSDK with that same definition.
Updating QGroundControl
You will need to Build QGroundControl including a pre-built C library that contains your custom messages.
QGC uses a pre-built C library that must be located at /qgroundcontrol/libs/mavlink/include/mavlink in the QGC source.
By default this is pre-included as a submodule from but you can generate your own MAVLink Libraries.
QGC uses the all.xml dialect by default, which includes common.xml. You can include your messages in either file or in your own dialect. However if you use your own dialect then it should include ArduPilotMega.xml (or it will miss all the existing messages), and you will need to change the dialect used by setting it in MAVLINK_CONF
when running qmake.
Updating MAVSDK
See the MAVSDK docs for information about how to work with MAVLink headers and dialects.