Середовище розробки Ubuntu
The following instructions use a bash script to set up the PX4 development environment on the Ubuntu Linux LTS versions supported by PX4: Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish), 20.04 (Focal Fossa), and 18.04 (Bionic Beaver).
The environment includes:
- Gazebo Simulator ("Harmonic") on Ubuntu 22.04
- Gazebo Classic Simulator on Ubuntu 20.04 and Ubuntu 18.04
- Build toolchain for Pixhawk (and other NuttX-based hardware).
The build toolchain for other flight controllers, simulators, and working with ROS are discussed in the Other Targets section below.
if you need to use Gazebo on Ubuntu 20.04 you can manually install Gazebo "Garden", with the caveat that this is end-of-life in November 2024. If you want to use Gazebo Classic on Ubuntu 22.04 (say) then you can manually install it by following the instructions in Gazebo Classic > Installation.
Симуляція та NuttX (Pixhawk)
Use the ubuntu.sh script to set up a development environment that allows you to build for simulators and/or the NuttX/Pixhawk toolchain.
The script is intended to be run on clean Ubuntu LTS installations, and may not work if run "on top" of an existing system, or on a different Ubuntu release.
Щоб встановити інструментарій:
- sh
git clone https://github.com/PX4/PX4-Autopilot.git --recursive
The environment setup scripts in the source usually work for recent PX4 releases. If working with an older version of PX4 you may need to get the source code specific to your release.
Run the ubuntu.sh with no arguments (in a bash shell) to install everything:
shbash ./PX4-Autopilot/Tools/setup/ubuntu.sh
- При появі підказки по ходу виконання скрипту підтвердить вибір.
- You can use the
options to omit the NuttX and/or simulation tools.
Перезавантажте комп'ютер при завершенні.
Additional notes These notes are provided "for information only":
This setup is supported by the PX4 Dev Team. Інструкції також можуть працювати на інших системах заснованих на Debian Linux.
You can verify the NuttX installation by confirming the
version as shown:sh$arm-none-eabi-gcc --version arm-none-eabi-gcc (GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain 9-2020-q2-update) 9.3.1 20200408 (release) Copyright (C) 2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
Вам все одно потрібен вихідний код PX4. But if you just wanted to set up the development environment without getting all the source code you could instead just download ubuntu.sh and requirements.txt and then run ubuntu.sh:
shwget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PX4/PX4-Autopilot/main/Tools/setup/ubuntu.sh wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PX4/PX4-Autopilot/main/Tools/setup/requirements.txt bash ubuntu.sh
This video shows how to install the toolchain for NuttX and simulation targets (as covered below) along with the basic testing covered in Building PX4 Software.
The video suggests that you build source using JMAVSim, entering the command: make px4_sitl jmavsim
. As JMAVSim is now community-supported, you should instead build using Gazebo or Gazebo Classic, as shown in Building the Code
Other Targets
The Ubuntu development environment for ROS, other simulators, and other hardware targets, is covered in their respective documentation. A subset of the relevant topics are linked below.
Raspberry Pi
- ROS 2: ROS 2 User Guide > Installation & Setup.
- ROS (1): ROS (1) Installation Guide
Наступні кроки
Після того, як ви закінчите налаштування інструментів командного рядка:
Install VSCode (if you prefer using an IDE to the command line).
Install the QGroundControl Daily Build
The daily build includes development tools that hidden in release builds. Вона також може надати доступ до нових функцій PX4, які ще не підтримуються в релізних збірках.
- Continue to the build instructions.