Тест MC_02 - Повна автономність
To test the auto modes such as Mission, RTL, etc...
Plan a mission on the ground. Ensure the mission has
- Takeoff as first waypoint
- Changes in Altitude throughout the mission
- Last waypoint is an RTL
- Duration of 5 to 6 minutes
Flight Tests
❏ Mission
❏ Auto take-off
❏ Changes in Altitude throughout the mission
❏ First waypoint set to Takeoff
❏ Enable Mission End RTL
❏ Duration of 5 to 6 minutes
❏ Auto Disarm on land
❏ Mission + Manual arm
❏ Arm in any manual mode
❏ Engage Auto (Mission Mode) to trigger take-off
❏ Observe tracking, cornering and proper RTL performance
❏ Upon touching ground, copter should disarm automatically within 2 seconds (disarm time set by parameter: COM_DISARM_LAND)
❏ Arm and takeoff in position mode
❏ Fly out ~10m from start point
❏ Engage RTL Mode
❏ Observe tracking, cornering and proper RTL performance
Очікувані результати
- Зліт повинен бути плавним, коли газ піднято
- Місія має бути завантажена при першій спробі
- Дрон повинен автоматично злетіти після ввімкнення автоматичного режиму
- Vehicle shoud adjust height to RTL altitude before returning home
- Після посадки, коптер не повинен підскакувати на землі