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PX4-Autopilot Головна нотатка щодо релізу


This contains changes to PX4 main branch since the last major release (PX v1.15).


The PX4 v1.15 release is in beta testing, pending release. Update these notes with features that are going to be in main but not the PX4 v1.15 release.

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Please continue reading for upgrade instructions.

Основні зміни

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Інструкції для оновлення

Інші зміни

Підтримка обладнання

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  • Battery level estimation improvements. (PX4-Autopilot#23205).
    • Voltage-based estimation with load compensation now uses a real-time estimate of the internal resistance of the battery to compensate voltage drops under load (with increased current), providing a better capacity estimate than with the raw measured voltage.
    • Thrust-based load compensation has been removed (along with the BATn_V_LOAD_DROP parameters, where n is the battery number).
  • The Position (GNSS) loss failsafe configurable delay (COM_POS_FS_DELAY) has been removed. The failsafe will now trigger 1 second after position has been lost. (PX4-Autopilot#24063).
  • Log Encryption now generates an encrypted log that contains the public-key-encrypted symmetric key that can be used to decrypt it, instead of putting the key into a separate file. This makes log decryption much easier, as there is no need to download or identify a separate key file. (PX4-Autopilot#24024).
  • The generic mission command timeout MIS_COMMAND_TOUT parameter replaces the delivery-specific MIS_PD_TO parameter. Mission commands that may take some time to complete, such as those for controlling gimbals, winches, and grippers, will progress to the next item when either feedback is received or the timeout expires. This is often used to provide a minimum delay for hardware that does not provide completion feedback, so that it can reach the commanded state before the mission progresses. (PX4-Autopilot#23960).
  • [uORB] Introduce a version field for a subset of uORB messages (PX4-Autopilot#23850)
  • Compass calibration disables internal compasses if an external compass is available. This typically reduces false warnings due to magnetometer inconsistencies. (PX4-Autopilot#24316).


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Літак з фіксованим крилом

  • Improvement: Fixed-wing auto takeoff: enable setting takeoff flaps for hand/catapult launch. PX4-Autopilot#23460


This release contains a major rework for the rover support in PX4:


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